A-Team 4/23/18: Day 1 -- The 1960'S

The week of Smokey begins with the music of the 1960’s.  Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, and many more joined us in the gloom for a sand bag work out.

We started with a brief run up to the parking lot for warm ups.  Apparently, YHC was filled with Q-drenaline and Hot Spot had to catch up with him on the run to let him know he had left everyone else behind.   4 lucky souls got to be the first to try out the 20 pound sand bags brought along to make things fun.  Eventually everyone caught up and we began in earnest.

Warm Up



Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Overhead Clap

Good Morning


We broke into 4 teams each of which had a sandbag.  An Indian Run began with the person in front passing the sandbag back until it reached the last man.  The last man then sprinted forward with the sandbag and passed it back again.  In this manner, we ran to the front parking lot.

Thing 1

Once at the parking lot, the 4 teams separated slightly.  The last person with the sandbag handed it off to the next man in the team who then ran the pickle with the sandbag.  Having just relinquished the precious sandbag, that man called and led an exercise with the remaining PAX in his team.  This was repeated until all PAX had run the pickle twice.  Thanks to @Nature Boy and @Theisman for coming to pick up YHC who was The Six.


We engaged in another Sandbag Indian Run this time to The HILL.  For those of you who have been to A-Team you know what of I speak.  The rest of you need to come visit to experience it, perhaps even request it of your Q.

Thing 2

At The HILL, we engaged in some 11’s with Sumo Squats at the bottom and Merkins a the top.


Yet another Sandbag Indian Run was undertaken back to the front parking lot for Mary and COT.


American Hammers

Freddy Mercurys

Have a Nice Day (to Aretha singing Proud Mary)


Announcements - F2 at Starbucks near CostCo (buy something so you don’t get arrested).  New gear is available at www.f3carpex.com/gear.

Prayers - Safe travels for Hello Kitty.  Praise for no other concerns.


Thank you to the 20 PAX who helped me start this week of Q’ing.  I hope you will be there on Saturday when I wrap up the 6-pack.  For those of you who started with me just 21 months ago, you know how ambitious this is.  Show up on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  I may need help getting out of the car!

See also