A String of (Back in) Black Pearls

11 HIMs braved the coldest morning this fall morning at the finest Thursday AO in Carpex east of Hwy 64.  YHC has a tendancy to make every workout high tempo, so I tried to tone it back a bit this morning.  I did fail to brief the FNG before we got started, however I had confidence Bayonne had provided ample discussion during the EH’ing process.


5:15 (Feels so good to type that!), time to go!  We started with the pledge, then off on a mosey.  The amphitheater is closed this morning as they prep for Rocky Horror Picture Show this evening and Sunday.  We had to go the long way.  The pax left the lot and headed left on Regency to the next lot.



  • 30 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • Calf Stretch
  • 30 Mericans

The Thang:  Pearls on-a-string around the lake

Slow mosey down to the greenway, then around the lake back to the lot stopping for excessive amounts of the following (Most are actually in the Exicon!):

  • Worst Mericans Ever
  • LBC’s
  • Burpee Broad Jumps
  • Lunge Walk
  • Mike Tysons
  • Steve Earls
  • Dive Bombers
  • Captain Thor (These were a hit!)
  • Elbows-to-Knees (E2K)
  • More Burpees
  • Standard Mericans
  • Side Plank Dips (Also a big hit)
  • Prisoner Squats
  • Ring of Fire - Pax doing Big Boy Situps with 10 Mericans around the circle
  • Homer to Marge
  • Have a Nice Day

Quite an exciting morning!  YHC Promised on Slack that we would not be covering excessive miles in the beatdown, and the lake was quite calm and reflective.  1.9 miles by my device isn’t TOO bad.


Welcome FNG “Crikey.”  Crikey is a retired Navy Submariner that has spent time all over the world, including some time in Australia….hence the name.  Crikey is 58, and has had one knee mostly reconstructed due to a motorcycle accident ages ago.


YHC Closed with a poignant quote I received from a vendor’s email signature block at work, and I find it particularly fitting for F3:

“Success is not final.  Failure is not fatal.  It is the courage to continue that counts”  - Winston Churchill



  • Triple Down at Bond Park, 11/17
  • F3 Dads this Saturday is ON as of now, and watch slack in case the weather changes
  • Hermes does not know who the band “Queen” is, nor that there was ever such a thing as a “Single” nor that it included a “B-Side”

Prayer / Praises:

  • None

See also