A Squatty Party

15 HIM of which 18 were Steve’s ( SixteenSteves + Ryder + Cataracts) were ready to move and warm-up.

YHC has been dealing with some shoulder problems and needed to keep this Q below the pits. Having primed the Pax with the upcoming “Leg Day” pre-blast I needed to deliver.

Ryder called it a traveling warm-up, I called it “keep yo ass moving” as we lapped a quick run out of the parking lot and around just to get everyone moving.

We landed back at the first parking row with some high knees

Row two But Kicks

Row 3 Frankenstein’s and inch worms

Row 4 Worlds Greatest Stretch and onto Thang 1


At the Lion’s Den site there is a great spot with stairs and this was perfect for the Pax to stay together. My goal was to keep everyone on count and form trumped speed.

We started with and down/up count as a group squatting below parallel “ass down” chest and eyes up. Just about 4 to warm up.

Next as a group we did 25 perfect form squats.

Ran up the stairs to the 3 ft wall to complete 40 Wall jumps.

Rinse and repeat by ascending Squats and defending WJ. Total perfect squats 145 per HIM. It’s a day after exercise so tomorrow morning they will be a fun sit day. 125 Wall Jumps per HIM


Why leave a great spot so we stayed close to the school and this time we did Ascending LBC as several of the Pax lead the cadence count TYFYL Lunging up the large stairs to the top where we did 100’s Pogo’s or simulated jump ropes which ever you prefer to call them

400 jumps and 145 LBC per HIM

We headed back to the flag with little time left. I promised Wahoo we would do a deconstructed TGU. So with about 2 min to spare we performed a few deconstructed TGU.


Announcements include Christmas Party Dec 12, Convergence Saturday in SP and Thanksgiving Day. Krispy Kreme challenge.

Prayer requests for Ryder and his job opportunities.

Wahoo lead us in prayer

7 for Coffiteria at the Wake Zone for a few laughs

The more we dial in our form, the less risk of injury and as well we gain more with perfect form.

See also