A Smattering

4 years and a day! Quite a morning today, but first a look back at the last few February 14ths:

2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 (note, way better BB compliance in Raleigh so far in 2021, but it seems like it’s only thanks to Pigpen and Cococrisp. tighten up, this is apparently a lost art)

14 PAX joined me at the flag, were graced with a retrospective about bu_m_ble tea and cheese foam, we checked for FNGs, said the pledge, and were off!

Gather up in the COT lot for a warm up of GM, SSH, HB, and follow me into the park.

All the way through and around the far pickle, and gather up in the Rocks lot for a final warmup of IW. Time for Thang 1:

Start on one side, bear crawl to the other. 10 Merkins. Bear crawl back, 10 Star Jumps. Just do it for a while.

Gather back up for a ‘swain 10-count and back toward Speedhump Hill. Run the lap for Thang 2 and partner up. Do Thang 2:

Run in opposite directions from your partner, and every time you meet, drop for 10 WW2s. Do something like 4 or 5 laps, and gather up at the top. Do a bunch of squats, and back down the hill.

Final Thang: Three times up the hill, going 50% on the first time, 75% on the second time, and AYG up the last time. HG 10-count, and back toward the flag.

Oh hey! Mr. Safety is here now!!

Back in COT lot, it’s Mary time consisting of:

Ring of Fire, LBC, FM, BC, AH (ty, WW), and H2M.

HAND in the puddles, and THAT’S IT.

COR/NOR - 2 Double Respects, 3 Respects, 11 Meh


Miles-O-Thon to partner with IJM (see Shutty’s slack post)


Crimson and fam, Bartman and fam, Bogo’s Niece


Well, the fourth year was easily the most lightly-attended for me thanks to the paternity leave/COVID double-whammy, but it was still the most active by far, thanks to working from home and all of the one-off events the PAX organized (5Ks for time, Hill Climb Mafia, VOYO10k, MFRFSP). Trends in morning posting have definitely come and gone for me over the years, but the 2ndF glue remains strong. Thank you for never leaving me behind.

Today’s workout was a smattering of what Tinactin led us through back in 2017 at Pullen Park. I remember running for what felt like forEVER for the opening warmup, so running the full park loop felt appropriate. We subbed out the originally performed partner derkins on the opposite-direction meetups for WW2, and I have NO idea what the exercises between bear crawls were. A first-time bear crawler tends not to remember much of that experience.

Thanks to everyone who came out this morning, and sincerely hope to see you again this week. MIAGD.

See also