A Royale with Cheese


  • 8, then 10, hungry wolves each scarfed down a Royale with Cheese BIB.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.

  • Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run to the upper lot.

  • 1 GM

  • 100 SSH (IC)

  • 75 LBC (IC)

  • 50 TRSQ (IC)

  • 25 Burpees

The Thang

  • Grab some cheese (cinder block) from Parker’s truck.

  • Beginning at one end of the lot, run to the first light pole with your block for 25 burpees. Run back for 25 man makers.

  • Run to the next pole with your block for 50 TRSQ. Run back for 50 more.

  • Run to the next pole with your block for 75 LBC (IC). Run back for 75 more.

  • Run to the next pole with your block for 100 SSH (IC). Run back for 100 more.

  • 10 block rows.

  • 10 isometric block swings.

  • Put your block back.

  • Mosey to the flag.


See also