A River Runs Through It

I know all you Robert Redford fans are rolling your eyes right about now but trust me, I wouldn’t steal it if I truly didn’t need it.

Now that Flo is no mo and being how we are the men of F3 it only made sense to me that we take the lead in returning our little community park back to pre-storm conditions (or at least the running path). As I pre-blasted, we’ll mosey around the Apex Lake clearing debris as we go. Easy day.

As Q I try to be intentional about the what we do and what order we do specific exercise. I research exercises in the F3 Exercise bank I have not seen done before to keep the PAX mentally interested and place exercises in an order that will tax the body efficiently. All that to say, when I write out a plan I intend to follow it.

0544 - The Hells Bells crowd begins to trickle in… interesting.

0545- Pledge of Allegiance

0549 - Warm-up

With this being my Bday Q week, and being a 76er, we worked 76 Merkins between the following exercises: Steve Earle, Bat Wings, American Hammer, Good Morning, Fluttering Supermans, Side straddle hops.

I wasn’t going to call penalty burpees on the the displaced PAX rolling in late that had initially intended to attend Hell’s Bells but couldn’t because of locked gates, closed roads and accidents. In part because I hate burpees and it seemed like to the right thing to do. Trike not feeling the same way, called the 10 penalty burpees, we did them, and all was right in the world again.

0555- The Only Thang

Mosey around the Lake Apex clearing debris as we go… or so I though. With PBX lighting the way, not 100 yards into the run we come upon our first obstacle. The path has a river running through it! How deep? How far? How fast is the river flowing? Can we cross? Should we try? Is it worth it? As I begin to wade, (because that was the plan, right? We can’t go all the way around this lake cleaning debris unless we push beyond this running water) wisdom emerges from the PAX and I retreat.

Switching directions we head for the parking lot along Lake Pine Dr. Along the way we Dip, Derkin, and Toy Soldier. Arriving at the parking lot we Burpo and Australian Snow Angel.

0620 - Hustle back to flag because we’re going to be late

0630 - Count-o-rama and name-o-rama on the run with a few announcements

0635 - Join Bruisers and Hell’s Bells remnants at the flag for COT.


Prayer - We in the Cary/Apex area are very grateful that this storm was not what it was initially forecasted to be in our area. Unfortunately that was not the case for so much on coastal NC. Our prayers go out to all of those trying to make sense of this past weekend and what it means for them personally going forward. The men of F3 have taken action already and will continue to make a difference in this clean up as opportunity and need are realized.

See also