Only a “respect” for a week and here I am as the Q for a second time in the same month! Could this be the start of something crazy I start doing in my “old age’? We shall see.
Thang 1: The Run
South on Louis Stephens Drive
West onto Morrisville Pkwy
North onto Davis Drive
West onto Morrisville Carpenter Road
South on Louis Stevens Drive
Thang 2: Brogra consisting of but not limited to the following:
bend over - both legs straight
right leg over left
left over right
Quads - pull up to buttock - left/ then right.
**On your back
**Knees-to-Chest Pose
legs over to the right
lets over to the left
**Butterfly - groin
bent leg - left in - stretch to toes
bent leg - right in - stretch to toes
both legs straight- to toes
on back - ankle on knee.. pull back. switch legs
Childs Pose
Downward facing dog
To chair pose
back to standing
into warrior pose 2: leg forward arms out
• Namaste
YHC took us out in prayer for B-a-B surgery, Banjo’s and my daughter.