A Respect Week Preview

Admittedly I am jumping the gun on Respect week but I will be out of town and feel deep need to get my “experienced” thoughts included in the week’s activities. If fellow Respects allow, suggest setting goal for workout to provide a beat down that will allow the young-ins to share in our daily ritual of stiffness and aches.

18 in total with buzzer beater arrivals from Loom and Flip-Flop, however, this Friday we had “Wednesday light” with Bartman peeling off to show CK Ruck life and the Large heading out for a solo run due to injury (that’s how Large recovers). That leaves 15, let’s get it done.

Warm up

Run around the pickle for one and half laps and circle up at bottom of lot for 15 X good mornings, SSH (OK, so its straddle not shuffle, another rejection for Q school lead application) Hillbilly’s, Merkins, calf stretches and Mountain climbers, recover.

One more lap around the pickle and onto the shelter for some old school table work 15 x Derkins, bench irkins, dips and L/R step ups (I gave the clapping a C-, but that is on me) Repeato x 10.  Let’s partner up for where we are heading.

Thanks to F3 Werewolf, we know it’s the day before the full moon and therefore good light so let’s give back of the park a try. Biner offered to bring headlamp but YHC was willing to let the waxing gibbous and clear sky shine on us.  After a few minutes of slow jog to adjust, mother nature did its job and darkness turned to light (sort of).

Jog around the black top trail, to the bottom of the hill with stops along the way for 5 x manmakers and 10 x monkey humpers. At the bottom of the hill started in on a Heartbreak 1-2-3, as a team, 100 merkins / 200 American hammers / 300 prisoner squats.  Solid effort by all with steady Friday morning mumble chatter to distract from the hill runs, plank when you are done.

Hate to leave the beautiful stars but got to keep pressing it so we jog back to the parking lot. From the bottom of the lot, it’s bear crawl 1/3 the way up, followed by lunge walk, followed by crawl bear.  Did ya feel that one?

Did I mention NCAA hoops season soon getting underway? And we know there is a nice court at DZ. With full complement of 13 basketballs at center court, DZ hoops went something like this:

Partner 1 does the exercise until partner 2 returns from running down the court and must score a basket. Initially any shot is good, layup, jump, sky hook, half court chuck but you got to get the ball in the hoop before returning!  After a warm up, all shots had to be taken from outside the paint.  Exercises were balls to the wall, peoples chair, chill cut Peter parkers and suicide run by all to cap it off.

As we are wrapping up, Bartman and CK were getting Large into some yoga like positions, fortunately few questions asked and let’s circle up. Announcements for Saturday’s Werewolf, the Dec 14 Christmas party and our very own Kitty provided reminder to get shirt and hat orders in as Christmas delivery deadline will be soon upon us. I think it was Burt that gave Kitty a well-deserved shout out for all he does to keep the Pax looking good!  Thanks Kitty!  No announced prayer requests or praises offered and YHC took us out.

Always a good time at the DZ, it’s an honor to lead and thanks for joining in on the basketball fun. Stay tuned for the Nov 3 (or did Flip say Nov 4?) edition of 40-to-the-flag, a Flip Flop original production and no doubt emmy nominee plus it’s fun to do!

See also