A Pierogi Confession

To whit: I had not, to date, really tried to deliver a good ol’, shut yo’ mouth F3 beatdown so when the SNS Twitter handle kindly reminded YHC of the Q the next day, that’s what I vowed to try and do. If the other PAX feel even a small fraction as sore as I do this afternoon, success!


  • SSH
  • Sir Fazio & claps
  • Cotton pickers


  • Form into 3 lines and scout run to the end of the main road through Bond (sprint to the light post)
  • Recover care of Jack Webb 1:4 Merkins:Air presses
  • Catch Me Indian Run to main parking lot (5 DM when peeling off)
  • Recover with Lt Dans 1:4 Squats:Lunges (each leg one)
  • 4 corner escalator (10-20-30-40) - 10x squat - 10x LBC - 10x overhead claps - 10x burpees
  • Bear-crawl inchworm to the end of the parking lot
  • No time for mini-Dora so Mosey back to main parking lot for…

High tempo Mary:

  • American Hammers x10 IC
  • Leg Raises x10 IC
  • Heel touches x10 IC
  • LBC x10 IC
  • Boat/canoe x10
  • Flutter kick IC (each PAX did a 4 count around the COT… ~120 total)


  • Count-a-rama: 22 for SNS and another 8 for Vespers (Hermes, Term Paper, Michelob, Hot Spot +3 others I don’t recall or thought were with SNS the whole time)
  • Announcements:
    • F3 Dads camp: sign up! Currently ~60% filled and need to fill the whole thing
  • Prayers & Praises: praises for John, Chinese Downhill’s mom and WKRP’s colleague.


  • CARPEx: sign up for F3 Dads Camp. It’s the least we can do with Borland braving I-40 at 5:30AM!
  • We finally have proof that Angry Elf and Wonder Bread are separate people… although dressed very similarly
  • First time I’ve been at SNS without Saban
  • Happy to have some of the Vesper regularly join in the fun. Shout outs to Franklin, Denali, Sooner!
  • The PAX could work on their lunge form… just saying.
  • Word is that Burt got a little too close to Nature Boy’s nature during the bear crawls.

See also