A Pickle-y Good Time

A baker’s dozen collected at the flag at 0530 for a moist adventure through some of the finest pickles on the POGL side of Carpex. Disclaimer given, first exercise is Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

Mosey to the church entrance and circle up. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Burpees just because, Standard Merkins, Runners stretch, calf stretch, and Steve Earles.

Pickle Thangs

At the parking lot adjacent to the school, we run the various pickles that we are blessed to have. Partner up, and while one partner runs the pickle, the other partner does the exercise. Repeat 3 times at each pickle. Exercises included:

  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBCs
  • Supermans (in order to get Clockwork’s NC State gear nice and wet)
  • CDDs

Then go to the steps to run that pickle. Exercises included BTTW and Dying Cockroaches, only 2 rounds each this time. Finished up with 25 squats, nice and controlled for good form. Mosey back to the flag.


American Hammers, Burpees, and CF Merkins.


3 Respects and the rest Mehs. Announcements and prayer requests - remember Imp’s coworker who passed, as well as Yahoo as he spends extra time overseas in order to bring Oleg home. Praises that YHC has a new gig lined up.


It’s fun to visit here to the site that Sour Mash and YHC started. Always a good crowd, always lots to do. MC was solid and we even passed Steaks once. It was a good day. Be just a little better today than you were yesterday!

See also