"A Near Flawless Q" (their words, not mine)

0500: A little EC run with Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, OOfta, and YHC

0530: Circle up for

**Good Morning, Windmill, SSH

**Thang 1
**Bataan Death March (w/ a twist)
Break up into two groups for a little Indian Run; Catch Me If You Can; Group Exercise Combo. The entire group performs an exercise together, EXCEPT, the HIM at the back of the line. He performs his own exercise. When the group is finished, they take off. HIM needs to catch up and take the lead spot. The group then performs the exercise together while the new HIM at the end of the line does his. Repeat. This continued from parking lot to Ederlee, to Regency, to that business with the hill in the parking lot across the street from the Greenway.

Group exercise was 10 single count SSH, individual exercise was 10 Burpees

Wait for the Six w/ Squat Hold and Plank Hold.

**Thang 2
**Sevens up and down the hill. IC LBCs at the bottom; IC Box Cutters at the top.

**Thang 3
**Back to the Bataan Death March with new exercise back to the flag.

Group exercise was 10 Star Jumps; individual exercises were 10 x L/R Mnt. Climbers and Plank Jacks.

Circle up for a review of called exercises. Mnt Climbers, Plank Jacks, Star JUmps, SSH, & Burpees


Announcement: Volunteer Opportunities on Slack for Burgaw, Habitat, and Mabopane. - - Check it out and sign up.
Prayers for Denali’s wife to get over her cold and help this poor man take care of his family before it becomes too much for him to handle on his own.

YHC took us out with a quote from Plato

“Wise men speak because they have something important to say. Fools speak because they have to say something.”


See also