A Long Stiffness

16 PAX braved the second darkest AO in all of Carpex to see if YHC could really cause them all a long stiffness. EC was a plenty, as YHC was tricked into 3+ miles at around an 8 min pace.

There were no FNGs, the disclaimer was given, and the pledge was recited.

Warm Up

Gassed from the long and fast EC, YHC decided to have the PAX circle up immediately for the following exercises:
Imperial Walkers ICx20
Good Mornings ICx10

Thang One

Mosey to the far end of the bridge. Upon arrival LBCs done IC until the 6 arrived. Then we partnered up. Partner 1 ran to the bottom of the hill, only to turn around and run back up to the top again while Partner 2 did BTTW. Flapjack, then People’s Chair.

We then attempted to do 2 lines of Indian Runs back to the shelter by the playground. This did not go as planned. The Indian Run should really be named the Indian Trot so that PAX understand that the pace is supposed to be a slow jog. We were more at a Denali Kryptonite pace instead. On the way back in the dark, Texas Ranger stumbled off the pavement and was momentarily injured. Serveral PAX moseyed back with him while the rest of us did Erkins on the large cement balls out front of the shelter until the 6 arrived.

Thang Two

After we regrouped, YHC led the PAX into the shelter where everyone grabbed a place at the tables for Derkins, Erkins, and Dips. We did 3 sets of these to 10 reps each, except for Dips that were done in cadence.

Thang Three

Mosey to the rock pile. PAX each selected a sharing is caring rock. PAX circled up and placed the rocks at their feet. YHC called out curls for the girls, rut rows, tricep extensions, and finally overhead presses to about 20 reps each, mulitple sets, switching rocks each time.

Thang Four

After the rocks were replaced, we moseyed out of the park, turned left, and ran halfway up the hill. 7’s were called with 6 Turkish Getups at the top of the hill and 1 WWII at the bottom/starting point. We only made it to 2 and 5 as time was running out.


Back at the flag, Have a nice day was called.


There weren’t really any announcements.
Healing prayers for Yoga Mat’s wife’s aunt in Blacksburg, VA.
Chipper took us out.


This has always been one of my favorite AOs in Carpex. Not only is it super close to my apartment, but it just has so much to offer, including my personal favorite, the bridge!
I may be moving away to Raleigh in 11 days but I will surely be back to visit, especially this AO.


See also