A little name calling (and poo slinging) after some pre announced shoulder work

A brisk cold morning met us today as we disembarked from the toasty warm cars at Hells Bells this morning.  What is that Snots and Squatter running in?  and Pickles dressed for the summer?  Seems like the Odyssey hangover was still in the air this morning.

Promptly at 5:30 (yes Squatter, the Qs time piece is always correct), we did two slow laps around the pickle to try to get the blood flowing.  We circled up for the warm up and did 10x GM, 15x SSH, 15x Hill Billys  (pause for 5 penalty burpees courtesy of Water Wings) followed by the shoulder fun of 20 Sir Fazios forward, 20 in reverse, 20 Overhead Claps and 20 Seal claps.  When YHC called - Hold it - at the end of the seal claps, the pax started getting restless (an agitated Monkey Nut helps understand his name - he was picking up his poo and slinging it towards YHC).

Finally - we decided to get some of those bell thingies.  We got in a circle and lifted bell straight out in front for  count around the circle, next we laid on our backs - held bell straight up with 10 count around the circle followed by plank position - 10 count around the circle.  Repeat all three again.

Next - we moseyed (in the true sense of the word) across the parking lot over toward the circle stopping 4 times for some calf raises.  Once at the circle, we counted off in 4s (more penalty burpees courtesy of Water Wings again) and then split into 4 groups around the circle.  Group one did 10 squats and then lunged walk to group 2.  Group 2 did KB swings until group 1 arrived and then lunged to Group 3.  Group 3 did lawnmowers until Group 2 arrived and then lunged to Group 4.  Group 4 did rows until group 3 arrived and then lunged to the group 1 starting spot for 10 squats and around again.

Following a few turns around the merry go round, we moseyed back to the starting point, stopping a few times for some curls.  As time was getting short, we did one more slow lap around the pickle and called it time for COT.

Announcements - November triple down of Ruck F3 and FIA workout on November 17 (i think), See Pet Sounds for discussion about Q Source leadership - more to come on slack.

Prayers/ Praises - Good visit for Parker with his dad over the weekend (key is Mountain Dew and Snickers), Prayers for Matlock (healing in back and shoulder)

YHC took us out.

Thanks for letting me lead today.  Leading for KBs was a new one for me.  Leading such great men is always an honor.

See also