A little bit of VENOM

Date: 8/24/2020
QIC: Bartman

YHC was happy to grab a Q spot at Hell’s Bells, and even happier to stumble upon some inspiration for the workout on the facetubes. F3 Little Spoon posted a quick “while your M is off doing top secret bond girl stuff” workout, and while clearly his lifestyle is not typical suburbia, it sounded like a good “while your M is yelling at the kids to get out of bed” material. He dubbed the workout “Venom” for reasons unclear. It doesn’t have to make sense.


Bartman (by way of Pavel)’s warm-up routine:

  • Hold your KB in goblet position
  • Do a deep squat, use your elbows to wrench your knees apart
  • Do 5 curls with the KB #countwithinacount
  • Stand up, do 5 slow halos each direction, keeping core engaged.
  • Repeato all x5
  • 5x Single-leg Romanian Deadlift each leg. Y’all, these are so good for your hamstrings..

The Thang

  • 10x back squats with the KB between your shoulder blades
  • 10x KB swings OYO. 1-handed if you can. Switch sides each round, or each swing.
  • 10x hang/clean/press. Start with the KB on the ground, squat to pick it up. Clean it up to your shoulder, and then do an overhead press, and recover back down to a low hang for the next rep.
  • Repeato with 9, 8, 7…
  • We ran the pickle, or an extended pickle, after every 3 sets.
  • Doing just one rep is silly, so we did 10 for the last set.


We finished things out with some KB pullovers, American Hammers, and flutter kicks.


Welcome FNG (and befitting the exhortation “honor!”) ManCave! Side Out’s buddy from church, a pastor, been everywhere, and has five daughters.

See also