A is for Anniversary

So the goal this week was to do 6 Qs in 6 days to mark my one year anniversary with F3, which will officially be this Saturday 2/22 (and no, I am not running the Mayhem, not running a Maynard, and not rucking one either). And while my work plans are taking me down to Wilmington later this week, I still had the honor of leading a fine group of men this morning for a ruck-inspired boot camp. TL;DR, we started with good mornings, rocks were involved, the mileage goal was met, and we ended with have a nice day.

Since Apex insists on locking their gates, we assembled at the entrance of the park, quick disclaimer and the Pledge, followed by mosey to the usual warm-up point in the parking lot by the baseball fields. Standard warm up exercises were done, including good mornings and side straddle hops, but the most entertaining part was doing Eskimo mericans. I thought this would be familiar to the A-Team pax, since it is one of site-Q WWW’s favorites to call. Not to single anyone out, but the rep count got fouled up, so 5 burpees OYO.

Mosey over to the basketball courts, grab rocks, and circle up for some strength work. Tricep extensions x10 IC, overhead press x10 IC, curlz for gurlz x10 IC, and squats x10 IC. Instruction was given to pass your rock one person to the left. It never gets old when you call this, and everyone starts moving towards the person on their left, not realizing that someone actually has to stand still to make this work. Rinse and repeat with your new rock.

Once that was completed, we moseyed down to the big pickle by the entrance to the lake trail. Circle up and repeat the same sequence of strength work. Somehow a count got screwed up again, so the penalty this time was a short rock bear crawl.

Next for some GORUCK challenge inspired activity, the whole idea of which was to give the oldest fellas first pick of the various sized rocks. So the group had 30 seconds to line up in descending age order. As I do the count to 30 seconds, the group is struggling verily (mind you we only had 13 guys, as three of the PAX were bruisin’) and I knew they weren’t going to make it. Time hack missed, so we run the pickle. 20 seconds to get in descending age order, time hack missed again, run the pickle. Try again, 20 seconds again was given. Checking age order….we get to two guys who were both 43, but the younger was in front of the older. Run the pickle. Can it get screwed up again? Probably. 15 seconds were allotted. Finally they get it right, and rocks were picked up for some more strength work.

Mosey back to the basketball courts. Try something new - line up in alphabetical order by last name, 20 seconds to do it. Wow, the PAX got it right on the first time! The reward of which was to do 5 rock burpees :-) After some more strength work, the rocks were returned to their original locations (or a near approximation thereof), and mosey back over to the warmup location. Being a slower fella, as Hamm flew past me I asked him to get the fellas started on some Mary. When I got up there, we joined Hamm’s Mary which was a variation on 4 count flutter kicks and something else. I think I called LBCs, I know we did Boat-Canoes for our buddy Riptide and I screwed up that cadence call pretty badly (you would think a Skipper would know the difference between a Boat and a Canoe, right?), Homer to Marges, and 4 count flutter kicks x10 IC with a 10 count hold at the end provided by Flip Flop, right into Have an Nice Day.

Announcements: Q-source at Wake Zone (thanks for joining us @HGTV!), coffeteria at Starbucks, 9/11 stair climb, etc. Guess I should have written the rest of this down yesterday!

Circle up arm-in-arm for prayers / praises: Bubba for healing and I know there were more, again I should’ve written this down yesterday.

Chipper took us out.

NMS: Keep getting after it men, I had a lot of fun leading this group of HIDAs doing HIDA stuff!

See also