A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start.

Stuff done: For my first Q I thought I had it all worked out into Thang 1, 2 and 3 yet somehow it all morphed into one big one.

Warmed up with an easy mosey and circled up for SSHs, SteveEarls, calf stretches and some other stuff that I’ve already forgotten. 

The Thang started with increasing out and back sprints using 5 Light posts. At the first we did squat jumps, then the next light we did LBCs, and so on, doing Mtn. Climbers, Capt. Morgans, and Iron Mikes, running back to start each time. Al Gore’s while we waited for the Six each time. One last sprint to an unplanned hidden 6th light for curb talk doing Rocky Balboas rapido, and Derkins tossed in based on popular demand.

Mosey’d on then found ourselves in Compass Merkins with a lot of grumbling. Then off again to the benches for Box Jumps, Dips, Step Ups, and more LBCs. More Al Gore to wait for the Six. Group Lunge Walk to the nearest wall for BTTW to let the guys show off a bit, held fast for a bit then off again to the playground to surround the man-sized circular sand pit for 2 rounds of Mike Tysons and Bear Crawls. More loud grumbling was noted and gave encouragement to YHC to bring on more. But alas, time was slipping by quickly and I really wanted to get to some fast PCBM’s (prisoner cell burpee merkins for all you veteran Q’s out there). They didn’t go so well but the guys toughed out a handful. The clock did not stop for more tricks so it was back to the flag.

Prayers/Praises: Greenbow’s family, Cataracts recovery, and another I’m sorry I’ve forgotten.

Mary: With a few mins to spare we made happen some Iron Cross Dollies, Superman’s, and starfish crunches.

Stuff I learned:

Counting and breathing - not so easy.

Fretting over the prep and then some of my newbie mistakes is dumb to worry about. Move on for next time, make it even better.

Don’t forget to follow procedure….I learned how important to the word “recover” is to the fellas. Plenty of reminders were offered.

I learned that the value in the brotherhood and their support is not measurable.

Good thing no FNGs present. I forgot to ask. Although, I’m sure I would have been reminded quite quickly.

It’s easy to loose track of timing, counting, regular breathing, next exercise, keeping everyone together/waiting for the six.

F3 is an awesome thing. It is a blessing from God to me and I count it every day.

See also