A Good A Spot As Any

EC Run @ 5:10: YHC, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Denali, Chipper, Hermes, Build-a-Bear, Term Paper

Lately I’ve been curious what a workout might look like if we never leave the Warm-Up Circle. Today we found out. To help, I brought some fun toys to play with. An agility ladder, jump rope, 40lb sand bag w/ handles and a 30lb sand bag w/o handles.

5:44:30 I give the disclaimer to FNG Cheese Pelt. 5:45:00 we run 50 yards from the upper parking lot to the lower parking lot. I announce to the PAX that will be the only forward motion we do all morning. They seem happy, but then they notice the items I have brought and strategically placed around the circle. The Mumble Chatter begins.

Warm Up In amazingly executed cadence, despite the high volume of mumble chatter and FNG grilling by Hermes’ we perform the following: Good Morning, Cotton Picker, Windmill, Sprinkler, Bat Wings w/ Moroccan Nightclub.

The Thang

With everyone standing at an “hour” position I called out exercises to be completed for 1 minute OYO, except for those at the 12, 3, 6, & 9 positions. They did 1 minute of the following:

12 - Agility Ladder - Quick Feet back and forth 3 - 40lb sand bag w/ handles - Clean & Jerk 6 - Jump Rope 9 - 30lb sand bag w/o handles - Squat, press and slam

The rest of the PAX did: Bobby Hurley, Merkins, SSH, 6" hold Peter Parkers, Burpees, Plank Jack, Goofball, Mountain Climber, Run in Place w/ high knees & butt kickers, Shadow Boxing, Star Jumps, Crab Cakes, Diamond Merkins. After each exercise we rotated clock-wise.

Repeato with the OYO exercise in reverse.

Hey! Look at that. We finished right on time.


CSAUP Sasquatch tomorrow. Meet at Healing Transitions at 4:15. Reach out to Freeboard for more info Prayers for Coxswain’s sister who just gave birth.


  1. Right from the start Term Pappy quickly identified that this workout would benefit from tunes, so a quick trip to his car (surprisingly avoiding burpees) corrected that.
  2. Hermes pretty much had all the info on our FNG before the warm-up was complete. His F3 name was a collaboration between Hermes and Term and had the two of them downright giddy.
  3. Coxswain showed up late and I completely forgot to assess him penalty burpees. I will just assume as a gentleman he will take care of this on his own time.
  4. Do not mention Bobby Hurley or John Calipari to Denali.
  5. Coffee with Offta was great, especially because Build-a-Bear brought sun dried bananas and Durian (the world’s smelliest fruit.)

YHC took us out with a quote from Bruce Lee

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. Sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can, so the successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.


See also