A Flock of Seagulls and a Bigger Pickle

When Yoga Mat invokes Flock of Seagulls and Monty Python in the pre-blast everyone knows that the actual workout will never live up.  But we’re all here so let’s give it a shot.

We have an FNG so a full disclaimer and mission statement are delivered.  The Pledge and we’re off.


Mosey a while and end up in a well lit parking lot within sight of our friends at Crossfit:

  • 7 GM IC
  • 26 SSH IC
  • 15 Merkins OMD
  • Calf Stretch
  • 15 Merkins OMD

Thang One:

Partner up and take turns with the following in a flapjack fashion:

  • Round 1 - Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear / Low Slow Flutters
  • Round 2 - Forward and Reverse Lunge Walk / LBCs
  • Round 3 - Lateral Slide / Freddy Mercs

Thang Two:

Mosey back to the rock pile for a 1/1/2/2 Rock Dora.  Partner 1 does Curls, Tricep Extensions, Shoulder Press and Rows.  Partner 2 runs the largest pickle YHC could find that doesn’t require a headlamp.     

A quick Mary and a solid 3 minute plank to finish off the day.


Welcome to FNG Shipyard


Prayers and Praises

YHC took us out.

Gourmet trunk coffee was provided.

NMS: It was great to get in my first Q at FWD.  And congrats to Staubach who definitely qualified for something this morning.

See also