A Few of Our Favorite Things

Asystole led dragged YHC through a couple EC loops around the ToC buildings, which included pain stations for various merkins, pull-ups on a tree, step ups, box jumps, ab work, and forward/backward bear crawls and crab walks.  About 20 minutes in I started to wonder if I would be able to complete my own main event workout.

In the meantime, 4 more PAX showed up on this steamy mid-October afternoon.  Riptide informed us that today was the latest day of the year it had ever hit 90 degrees.  And last night was a record high for the overnight low. Or something like that.

I let it slip that I was planning to use the pain sticks outside the parking garage.  I knew it was the right call after seeing the scowl sweep across Disco Duck’s face.  I was re-energized so off we go.


  • Run over to the grassy area next to parking deck (conveniently near the pain sticks)
  • 20 SSH, IC
  • 10 Imperial Walkers, IC
  • 10 Hillbillies, IC
  • 15 Standard Merkins
  • 10 Mountain Climbers, IC

The One and Only Thang

I had the ambitious idea of combining 3 favorites.  We would be doing the beast, in the Cary parking deck, while carrying pain sticks.  Six one-way trips to the top of the parking deck and back down (the long way, not the stairs), stopping at the 6 corners for s6ix reps of an exercise.  As it turns out, we carried the pain sticks for 1 round trip (2 reps)… that seemed like a reasonable audible at the time.  The 6 exercises we did were:

  • Squats with the pain sticks
  • Pain stick burpees (sort of)
  • Wide grip merkins
  • WWII sit-ups
  • Partner-clap merkins
  • Tuck jumps

Pretty much out of time so mosey back to the start for COT.  Unfortunately the fountain was dry but it would have been a welcome treat on this muggy evening.


There were some comments made about the shape of some of the Bond Brothers Run Club runners as they passed by.  Other than that, I only remember one announcement - the Christmas Party on December 14th at Bond Brothers. Details as the date gets closer.


  • Continued prayers for young Luke
  • Prayers for Captain Kirk’s Mom, Jane, and her mobility

Big THANKS to Yogi for taking us out in strong fashion.


  • TIL Asystole was a college gymnast and can still do a back flip.  He did one tonight, after leading EC and treating what I thought was a hard workout like a walk in the park.  Tuck jumps were too easy for him on the last beast rep, so he decided to do BTTW merkins.
  • Yogi wants to learn how to do a back flip

As always, it was a pleasure to lead.

See also