A Deflating BLIMPS...lands in a pile of rocks

AO: Phoenix

Yesterday morning YHC, back from three weeks of travel and sacking, Q’d Slippery When Wet and tried a new way to inflate a BLIMPS. Save for a few miscounts, it mostly worked.  This morning, as promised, we deflated the thing, ran around a bit, and played with rocks. Saber showed up late, but got a pass (saving the PAX from certain penalty Burpees) owing to his impressive six-pack this week (RESPECT!).

Chipper called an EC at 0600, which apparently nobody saw except maybe Yogi, who showed up in a construction worker reflective vest and apparently quite a bit of gastrointestinal distress.  


Mosey to the parking lot. Circle up. Good Mornings, SSH’s, Windmills. Sir Fazio’s forward, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazio’s backward, Michael Phelps.

Thang 1: Deflate the BLIMPS

In the Circle, 5 Burpees OYO, 10 Lunges (each leg), 15 Imperial Walkers (4 count), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks (4 count), 30 Squats.  Run around to the Kiosk, Boat House, Pavilion and Amphitheater, dropping by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 count respectively each stop. 

Partner up.  Bonus round of Bear Crawls and Lunges in the theater, partners on stage doing Monkey Humpers; switcheroo.  Mosey across the park to the Dam.

Thang 2: Rock Dora

After a quick 5 Burpees atop the Damn to begin a new BLIMP, PAX commenced a Dora with Overhead Presses, Rock Rows, Curls and Triceps; partner running up the path, up the stairs and back. Time constrained us to two reps each and the Q called  it early.

Thang 3: Inflate a BLIMPS for Monday

With 5 Burpees from the Dam a few minutes early, line up for 10 Lunges, 
15 Imperial Walkers (4 count), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks (4 count), 30 Squats.  We left this one for another PAX to deflate on Monday.

Run up the stairs, across the Dam and head home to Mary.


Short on time. Quick round of LBC’s & Have a Nice Day.


Prayers for our Apex F3 Brother recovering from a serious motorcycle accident, for Yogi’s 2.0 Grace and for Crimson.  

Count-a-rama: 16 (3 respects); no FNG’s
Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Traffic Cone, EarharT, Two Factor, Callahan, Theisman, Snots, Texas Ranger, Build-a-Bear, Yogi, Flacco, Chipper, Sabre, Jiggly Puff, Water Wings, Kenny

YHC took us out.  Thank you men for trusting in me to lead today. 

Coffee at La Farm followed


See also