A Cool June Morning @ FMJ

  • When: June 12th, 2018
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: GTL, Shank, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Freebird, Nerf, Worley, Rooney, My Little Pony, Snots, Wonderbread, YHC Earhart

A cool, drizzly morning greets us as we make our way out of our cars and circle around the flag at FMJ.  12 PAX wander out of the gloom and are ready for an Earhart beatdown, sort of.  Must have been the 5:30 start because the PAX were quiet for a change.  We head around the parking lot, mixing in some backwards runs and karaoke’s before finally circling up for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Cotton Pickers

Side Straddle Hops

Overhead Claps

The Thang

Done-with the warm-up, we pair up and head down to the pond (who knew there is a trail around a pond at FMJ.  Amazing what appears out of the gloom during the summer months) for some catch-me-if-you-can with star jumps.  Q was informed the pond is about ¼ mile around, perfect for the first thang and to wake up our groggy group.

We finish with the lap around the pond and meet back at the flag for some quick-feet before heading over to our first hill exercise.  Q calls for a modified triple nickel, start at the bottom of the hill with 5 squats, bear crawl half way up, do 5 merkins, bear crawl the rest of the way up for 5 dying cockroaches.  Turn around and bear crawl down the hill, again stopping half way for 5 dirkins, before returning to the bottom of the hill for a count of 1.  Reapto 5 times finishing with squat hold at the top waiting on the six.

Next up, we mosey down the hill for some more quick feet at the curb and then over to the circle in front of the school for another partner exercise.  This time, each partner runs in opposite directions around the hill, stopping when they meet for ascending partner merkins.  Run back around and meet up for more merkins until you and your partner complete 10 merkins.

Done with that exercise, we head over to the next hill and one last round of quick feet.  This hill, on the far side of the school grounds is perfect for 11s, and we can hear Camp Gladiator music from here!  Q calls for 10 bobby hurley’s at the top of the hill and 1 burpee at the bottom, back up for 9, back down for 2 and so on until Q calls an audible and ends a little early, but not before the PAX do at least 8 burpees.  Only a “special” Q calls for ascending burpees.

Now it is time to head back to the flag, so we run by Camp Gladiator just to be neighborly.  A quick glance at the camp revealed it was all girls and no sad clowns except for Mike/Dust and Smoke (but he gets paid to be there, so I get it).

Back at the flag, we circle up on our six for:




Dying Cockroaches

Freddie Mercuries in cadence

American Hammers in cadence

LBCs in cadence

Plank Jacks



Bell tolls 6:15 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  12 PAX


  • Convergence at Bond Park 6/20 5:45 am

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also