A Circle, 10 guys, and some toys. (no that doesn't sound right. Where is the delete key on this thing? What does this blue button do?)

EC run with Wonderbread & YHC

Because I know it is loved by so many, I dusted off the home gym equipment and trucked it on over to Claymore for another round of that circle workout that still needs a really cool name.

It couldn’t have worked out any better today. I had 10 stations, 10 guys and a cool new Tabata clock app on my “brand new” iPhone 7.

**Warm Up
**Short Mosey, circle up for some Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Steve Earle

**The Thang
**Each guy started at a station for 1 minute on and 30 seconds rest. We did two complete rounds of the following:

Agility Ladder – Quick Feet back and forth
Ab Roller
30lb sandbag w/o handles – Squat, press, and slam
Heavy Bag - Flipping it over
Box Jump
Kettle Bell
Battle Rope
Dumbells (curls)
Weighted bar overhead Squat
Cinderblock (man makers)

A few times we threw in some called exercises such as:
Imperial Walker
Freddy Mercury

Announcements: The Mule 3/14; Bacon run this weekend (info on Slack)
No prayers of praises

YHC took us out with a quote from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard word leads to success. Greatness will follow.”


See also