A Case of the Mondays

The sun comes up early these days. Early enough for an old guy like YHC to be able to make out most of the faces gathered around the shovel flag at about 0543. As the garmin strikes 0545, there are 21 PAX who pledge their allegiance, then follow the Q as we all mosey into the bowels of Apex Community Park.

Warm Up

SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks, Calf Stretches, and 10 burpees OYO. Everyone find a partner; size doesn’t matter but speed kinda does.

Thang 1 & 2

Mosey to the bottom of the hill by the lake. Run 7s with your partner: Squat jumps at the bottom, World’s Worst Merkins at the top. Either PUT6 when completed or enjoy EC Mary with Hotspot at the top.

Mosey with your partner to the parking lot near the park entrance. Along the way, learn how your partner got started in F3, and what keeps them coming back.

Continue mosey through the parking lot to the rock pile. One non-traveling rock per partner group. Dora 1-2-3: Curls/Squats/LBCs while the other partner runs the full pickle.

Once complete group mosey around to the other side of the lot. Last 30 yards bear crawl by request from 2Factor.


Dying Cockroaches, Homer to Marge, and Control Freak Merkins


15 Mehs, 6 Respects.

Soft launch of Hot For Teacher this Thursday, 0530 at Olive Chapel Elementary. July 4th convergence, starting at 0704 at Bond Park.

Prayer requests lifted for the safe return of Hasselhoff from traveling, Schlitz mentioning a young husband who died unexpectedly, as well as Disco Duck’s FIL who passed suddenly.

YHC took us out.


  • Very impressed with the number of newer guys who keep posting consistently.
  • Three strong for an EC run before the main event - well done Two Factor and Hello Kitty
  • Speaking of Kitty Bonz, he mentioned that he almost didn’t post and found a lot of excuses not too. We all fight through this, and well done for overcoming the lizard brain and not only doing the Main Event but a BONUS 2 mile run beforehand.
  • Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also