A/B Testing World's Worst Workout Playlist

Leading up to Friday YHC knew it would be low numbers on Odyssey Eve.  The over/under was set at 6.

At 0545 YHC, Katniss, Chinese, Pierogi, Flip Flop, and The Count headed out for a trip around the pickle. 6 pax.  #NAILEDIT

Warm Up

  • Head to the playground
  • 10 Good Mornings - 5 pull ups
  • 10 Hill Billies - 5 pull ups
  • 20 Squats - 5 pull ups
  • 20 SSHs - 5 pulls

After the first warmup exercise we saw headlights.  Speed Racer comin in hot!  CD went to get him and bring him into the dark warmup circle.

7 pax.  #nailed. it.

The Thang

YHC preblasted there would be music.  Some how technology ALWAYS failes when you need it the most.  YHC uses Spotify, you see, and the ole iPhone 6S (3 years better than Flip Flops iphone 5) was pulling 3G, aka, no Internet!!  The set playlist was unavailable so acting quickly YHC had a fully downloaded playlist of “90’s Essentials” so that what we got.

Picnic Table Work - 20 ALRSU - 15 Derkins - 20 Tea Baggers - 15 Dips - Repeato

A/B Test - As a group we ran down the dark path and set YHC’s lantern aglow for the bottom of the hill marker.  (not sure it helped or only made it worse, oh well… - Then we ran back to the top for instructions

Instructions:  While the music plays we will be doing “A” exercises, 10 reps at the top, 10 at the bottom.  When the song changes we’ll change to “B” exercises, 10 at the top, 10 at the bottom.  And we’ll just keep going until time is up.  -- That is probably way clearer than how it was actually explained in person.  Q Day 5 I don’t care at this point haha!

Our Playlist:

Tonic  “If you could only see” 10 Amerkins, run to bottom, 10 American Hammers, Run to top

Alanis Morissette “Ironic” 10 Burpees, run to bottom, 10 Bicycles (Freddy Mercs), Run to top 10 Burpees, run to bottom, 10 Bicycles (Freddy Mercs), Run to top (long song…)

Lou Bega “Mambo No. 5” 10 Amerkins, run to bottom, 10 American Hammers, Run to top

Mr. Big “To Be With You” 10 Burpees, run to bottom, 10 Bicycles (Freddy Mercs), Run to top

Goo Goo Dolls “Slide” 10 Amerkins, run to bottom, 10 American Hammers, Run to top

Green Day “When I Come Around” 10 Burpees, run to bottom, 10 Bicycles (Freddy Mercs), Run to top

Time…but the hits keep rolling.  Run to the basketball court during Green Day and hit the fence.

2 Rounds of: 10-count down the line - BTTW 10-count down the line - People’s Chair George Michael “Freedom!” played throughout the park.




  • It’s been a fun week.  I’m tired, like lack of sleep, but what’s crazy is I’m not hurting like I do if I actually take a day off during the week.  I’ll have to remember this and just get to bed earlier.
  • We had the best star lit sky for Have A Nice Day.  5 of the pax wouldn’t ‘recover’ from it.
  • Pierogi saw an airplane, wow, good story Pierogi.
  • Low numbers usually means the MC is light.  These guys brought it though.  Not many quiet momments.
  • Put new batteries in your headlamp CD!
  • Talks of new #Respect workout coming.  Starts later, light out, has bathroom breaks, and ends at mcdonalds for 3 hours of coffeeteria.  Stay tuned - sounds awesome
  • THAT WAS THE WORST PLAYLIST EVER.  Everytime I came back up the hill I was hoping for something… Try doing burpees to “deep inside I hope you feeeel iit tooo… Just be the one to beee with yoooou”
  • I turned my phone off and back on when I got in the car and LTE came back…
  • Moral:  Always, ALWAYS restart the computer/device when needing tech support.

Good luck with the Odyssey tomorrow!!!  Thank You Sag Team!!!

See also