A #2 in the Woods is NOT a Double Down!

Nice morning.   63 degrees.   Overcast.   15 for insomnia pre-run.   Pet Sounds does the Duece in the woods adjacent to parking lot between EC and SNS.  All of the ingredients were present.    32 dudes showed up and split into 3 groups.   14 for Boot Camp, 14 for Vespers (further split into two groups) and 4 for Rolling Stones.    Gotta love Wednesdays in Bond Park.

Pax List includes SNS, Vesper and the Rolling Stone Pax.  Missing 1.  Sorry who ever you are.

Warm Up.    Fellowship jog to the gate.   Circle up.   The usual stuff 10x BurtJacks, SSH, Merkins, Merkins, GMs.  Sir Fazio Arm Circles both ways.  3 sprints back and forth to the gate as the Q attempts to squash the MC.   Not effective.

A little more sprinting down to the parking lot between light poles.

Thang.     Circle up for plank position.    Start each set of 3, 6, 9, 12 parking lot 4 corners with a merkin/plank combo.   First set 1 Merkin around the circle (everyone does a merkin) while everyone planks.   We increase the Merkins by 1 each time up to 6.   5 sets of 4 corners.    Jump Squats,  Flutter Kicks, LBC’s, CDD’s,  Star Jumps….bookended by the Plank and Merkin circle.    We mixed in as little 2nd F as we discussed F3 names and other stuff.

Time Check, Thanks Saban.    Back to the parking lot, but on the way we do a 3, 6, 9, 12 burpee light pole set on the way to the Gate.      Line up for Billy Run with specific guidance from the man himself…Billy… on the best way to ramp up….pretty much coast to the cross walk and the hit it hard.   Great advice.

Circle up with Vespers Squad.   3 Plank Jacks and that’s it Time Up.

Announcements and Prayers.

4/10,  HT event (4:30 to 7 or so).  Opportunity to spend time with HT men, hear great speakers (HT client and Carlos Rodriquez) and assist with dinner.     DON’T MISS IT!

3/10, the Mule.  6:00 am in Raleigh, Chavis Park.   Will be finished by 9.   Multiple AO’s around Raleigh.

Prayers:  Cancer treatments and upcoming scans for Jon and Missy (Greasemonkey’s mom)

Good fun this am men.   Always enjoying being with ya’ll.


See also