Voting Day at FWD

QIC Staubach

25 HIMs showed up for a warm Voting Tuesday at FWD. We were expecting 26 but @bagels took a dive on the EC run as it was clear that he was slightly intimidated with what was waiting ahead. We are glad its only a sprain and hope he has a speedy recovery.

I was a bit nervous with the size of this group but made sure not to let them see me sweat. I knew it would not be easy to command their attention….mumble chatter was in full effect and it was time to get started.

Disclaimer was mumbled and the mission of F3 being thought of but did not really get stated in fear of messing up in front of 25 critics just waiting for an error. First exercise, pledge of allegiance.

Warm Up

  • 2 small loops around the parking lot and circle up.
  • SSH (25)
  • Good Morning (5)
  • Daisy Pickers (10)
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles Forward and Back (10)
  • Merkins 25
  • Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Mosey towards the bridge. Stop at the intersection for some LBC’s and American Hammers. Now off to the Bridge.

  • 7’s up the Big Hill to the bridge. (WWM and WW2 Sit Ups)
  • Mosey back towards lot, stop at intersection for some Squatter 100’s
  • Partner Up and grab a rock you would be proud of. Partner One Carries the rock for a long trot around the flag while Partner 2 starts the Dora (200 Dirkens, 200 Dips, 200 Squats)

Once the PAX had finished, mosey to the flag for some mary


LBCs, Hammers, Have a Nice Day

Announcements / Prayers

  • Grease Monkey’s Grand Dad
  • Bagels and his ankle

See also