99 percent participation became 100 percent

So for my second Q YHC decide to Q at the place I posted for the Second time, and place that has become a favorite of mine Bradfords Ordinary As we waited for pax to arrive a few comments were made about the sweatshirt I was wearing and lack of tank top. I did wear the tanktop and shed the coat, Loom put the tank top over his F3 shirt prompting Burt to say we had 99% percent participation in TTT.

No FNG’s, start to mosey, remember I wanted to do the pledge… apparently, I was not fully awake and apparently need a winkie for the pledge.  Pledge over off we go on a mosey to the bank.

Warm Up 15 Side Straddle Hop (still not awake, hop sounded like harp..)

10 Merkins

15 Imperial walkers (Words are working better now)

10 or so Sir  Fazio Arm Circles forward and backward

Mosey to the Libray for

Thang 1

Partner up, decided yesterday e we are doing Bombs,

50     Burpees

75     Overhead claps

100   Mmerkins

150 LBC

200   Squats

During Bombs, Looms sheds his F3 shirt  and goes with just the Tank to get us to100% TTT participation

Mosey to the Wall in across the street near the post office

1st Exercise 15 Dips Oyo

2nd Exercise 20 Irkins Oyo

Mosey to the Dark Parking lot near the flag

Thang 2 With same partners from before

1st Exercise Partner 1 does Plank Jacks, Partner 2 does Lunge walk to the end of the parking lot and back, YHC notices this is taking longer than I thought so we change to Lunge walk to the end and run back. FlapJack and repeato


2nd Exercise Partner 1 Does Hillbillies Partner 1 does Plank Jacks, Partner 2 does Lunge walk to the end of the parking lot and run back

Time for Mary so we mosey to the flag


20 Dying Coachroachs OYO

15 American Hammers

Have a Nice day



Count-O-Rama: 14

Name-O-Rama: 2 Hates 8 Respects 4 meh (Strong Respect Presence)

Announcements: Haven House Raffel up Coming look for an announcement soon, Odyssey Saturday 20th 6:00 am start at St Mary Magdalene. Tuesday Launch of new AO Claymore. Cape Fear Supplies especially tyvek suit’s.  BVL Charity Collecting socks for Homeless Vets, see Loom for more info

Prayers and Praises: Looms Daughter, Liverpool and Family, Cardinal Gibbons Students Family and friends, Angry Elf’s Brother, all those affected by the hurricanes, F3 Cape Fear’s good work.

NMS: It was again an honor to lead you, laughter the smiles and the encouragement during the workout kept me going and I appreciate it greatly. Like many YHC life has been changed and YHC feels better than he has in years both physically and mentally because of F3’s HIM.

See also