90 at 50

The opportunity for YHC to Q 90-minute Whiplash first came up a couple months ago, and as the saying goes, it seemed like a good idea at the time.  What better way to wrap up a milestone birthday week?  And, appropriately enough, on April Fool’s Day.  As the day got closer though, anxiety continued to grow, as expected.  But, I was confident that the grounds of the NC Museum or Art would provide plenty of options to fill a workout, regardless of how many were in attendance.  Lucky PAX of 13 gathered for the celebration.  Here’s what we did:

Warm up 1

  • Jog to side parking lot and circle up
  • 25 SSH, IC
  • 50 Merkins (because, 50)
  • 10 GM, IC
  • 20 Hillbillies, IC

Thang 1

3x Serpentine run through the parking lot (2nd time backwards), stopping at each turn to do 10 reps of the following:

  • 1st lap: Burpees
  • 2nd lap: Tuck jumps
  • 3rd lap: 4-count Freddy Mercs

Mosey back to main parking lot.  Bear crawl first half of the lot, duck walk the second half, stopping at each median for 4-count Mountain Climbers.  Carioca back to start.

Pick up the 6:30am crew.  Mosey to Ellipse and circle up.

  • 20 SSH, IC
  • 20 MC, IC
  • 25 Wide-grip Merkins
  • 20 IW, IC

Small group Indian run to top of hill at 440 bidge

Thang 2

  • 10 Merkins - Run to middle of bridge
  • 10 Pull-ups - Run to far end of bridge
  • 10 Prisoner squats - Run back to middle of bridge
  • 10 Pull-ups - Run back to start
  • 10 Merkins
  • Repeato with 20 Merkins and Pull-ups, 10 Pull-ups

Small group Indian Run back to top of hill near kite/dojo

Thang 3

  • Partner 1 - run to bottom of hill and back up
  • Partner 2 - Run loop around dojo
  • When you return, 50 combined burpees
  • Flapjack, this time with 25 hip dip/Shakiras on each side for each partner
  • Flapjack, this time with 50 combined tuck jumps

Mosey to bottom of grass hill

One more Thang

  • Esau’s ladder until out of time - Monkey humpers at top, hand-release merkins at the bottom.  Add 2 each time

Mosey back to Ellipse


  • 20 Chilcutt Peter Parkers, IC
  • 20 Heels to Heaven, IC
  • 25 LBC, IC
  • 6-inch leg hold with 5-count around the circle
  • Have a Nice Day!


  • F3 Raleigh 5-year Anniversary Party - April 8, 6-10pm
    • Details on web site. Sign up sheet here
    • All area PAX invited


  • Praise for Bigglesworth’s new addition
  • Prayers for Rain Man’s family on the passing of his sister
  • Prayers for the recovery of Epoxy’s wife from her concussion

Mr. Furley took us out in strong fashion.

Thank you all for letting me lead and for the birthday wishes.  Thank you Denali for the post-workout beverages.

See also