9/11 Remembered at FMJ

  • When: September 11th, 2018
  • QIC: Earhart, Crimson
  • The PAX: Trike, Ezekiel, Disco Duck, Clementine, Intimidator, WWW, Hotty Toddy, Imp, Freebird, The Joker, Crimson, Sooey, YHC: Earhart

13 HIM men gather for an alternate workout to the stair climb to commemorate the infamous day in history.  This special occasion will be an hour long, with two of the bruisers in attendance.  Crimson, my compatriot in arms, starts us with the pledge of allegiance and then some laps around the small parking lot.  Who is that coming in hot?  Why it is WWW, which of course called for 10 penalty burpees (which surprisingly WWW did NOT participate in).  His loss.  We circle up, finally for:

Warm Up

Sir Fazio Arm Twillies x17

Good mornings

Merkins x17

Side Straddle Hops x17

Imperial Walkers x17

Plank Jacks x17

Mountain Climbers x17


The Thang

Fully warmed-up at this point, Crimson hands the Q to Earhart, telling the PAX we are now considered pweebs (sp) and will be going through some basic training.  We head slowly down the very dark path to the playground (the one in the park) for some pain stations to start our training session.  We did three rounds of:


Station (1):  10 Pull-ups

Station (2):  10 dips

Station (3):  10 Dirkins

Up and over Hi-Liter hill, we arrive at the next training station, a sevens based obstacle course, running between columns and performing burpees on one end, star jumps on the other.

Finally done with our obstacle course, we now partner up because so much about being a first responder is to rely on your partner.  For the first partner exercise, we ran around the circle nearby, performing ascending partner merkins until each partner reaches 10.  Fully smoked at this point we, needed a 17 count from Clementine.  Great work Clementine!!

We are done here and we recover on the mosey over to our favorite ant-infested hill.  This time, you and your partner will split, one attacking the hill with a bear crawl, some CDDs at the top, then crawl bear back down.  The other partner is performing alternating LBCs, and Freddy Mercuries.  Flapjack until each partner performed 5 CDDs.

Hearing the boom-booms from Camp Gladiator, we head to the large, church parking lot for the last partner exercises, this time breaking into 3-man teams.  As is the case, we need training in helping our team and how best to do that then with three-man partner carries around a part of the parking lot.  Each partner got a turn carrying and being carried before we are done.

Double-applesauce back to the flag, with a quick hello to Mike at CG.  Pick up the six and circle-up for:




We had enough time for PAX-led Mary, each HIM getting a turn to lead the group.  Hammers, cockroaches, LBCs, Freddie Mercs, windshield wipers, box-cutters, cox-butters, merkins, homer-to-marge, and ending with have-a-nice-day.

The bell tolls 6:30 and we are done.

Crimson and Earhart close out with the attached reminders of what happened on 9/11.   Worth a read when you have a minute.

September 11 - Overview


Count-a-rama:  13 PAX


  • Pending Hurricane issues, the F3 cookout will be held this Sunday at 5:00. Details on Slack
  • Odyssey is scheduled for October 20th


  • T-claps to all the bothers doing the stair climb
  • Great work Clementine
  • A moment of silence for 9/11
  • Prayers for our brothers going through difficult times, Grease, Parker, Khaki’s, Wilbur, Disco, and many others

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also