8/7/17 Inflating Snake BLIMPS at Inspiration Point

14 High Impact Men for a high-paced (for YHC) Kryptonite work out this morning!

The Warm-up: Mosey just past the tent next to the lake, circle up for some Good Mornings and Imp Walkers. Get into four 3-4 man teams, do the weave/baby indian run around the lake to the stop light.  Squat hold to wait on the six. Run  to the next parking lot up the road on the right, circle up for some more warm up, I don’t remember what I called here.

The Thang: Run to the parking lot behind the office building at the corner of Regency/Tryon. Inflating Snake BLIMPS through the parking lot down past Inspiration Point. 5 Burpees, 5 Burpees + 10 LBCs(4-count), 5 Burpees + 10 LBCs + 15 Imp Walkers, etc. adding Merkins, Plank Jacks and Star Jumps at the end of the pickles. Mosey back to the flag, picking up six at each intersection. Circle up for Milli Vinilli led WWII’s, Half led Freddie Mercurys and Denali led 6-Inch leg hold with a 6 count around the circle.

COT: 14 HIM, some respects, welcome back Midler!!

Announcements: The Odyssey - Carpex’s inaugural CSAUP - 10/7 at 0600 at Bond Park. F3 Dads - 8/26 at 9:00 AM at Bond Park The Maynard - Wednesday 8/9 at 0500 at Bond Park - about 10.7 mile run. There will be a cooler of water at the water tower across from Cary High.

Prayer Requests: Praise for Texas Ranger’s M and 2.0 returning safely from a Mission Trip abroad. Prayer for Joe Smith’s friend who lost their 2 day old child last week.

YHC took us out.

NMS: 2.91 miles were covered, reportedly. I guess Aspartame is done with us till December or hopefully January… Great work this morning men.  I appreciate the motivation. Thanks Shut-In! I am really not sure why Large/Denali/Chanticleer ran so slow around the lake.  I don’t think I said conversation pace?  I am pretty sure the instructions were to push it. I suspect Hot Spot will be calling for another BRR Video Conference Call/Webinar soon… Make it a Great Day!

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