8/24/17 Bear Shoulders

YHC was a little stiff from the long run Trifecta the day before, so 18 crepuscular PAX shouldered the weight of some shoulder work by bear crawling on the shoulder of the road at Bounty Hunters this morning!

The warmup: Run around the ball field, circle up in the parking lot for some typical warm up stuff and some moderately random quantities.  Made sure to include some Sir Fa(r)zio Arm Circles to get the shoulders warmed up.

The Thang: -Line up in a really long head to toe line in plank position on the path on the shoulder of the road for Bear Crawl inchworm x 2 cycles followed by one cycle of Crawl Bears. -Partner up, P1: balls to the wall on the ball field fence, P2: merkins till one of you fails, then flapjack till you get to a total of 200 merkins.  Then do peoples chair and 200 LBCs, then do balls to the wall to prevent the shoulders from cooling down to much and squats.  - Run around the ball field, circle up in the parking lot for some typical warm up stuff.. no wait that is to familiar. Audible - Line up in a really long head to line in the plank position on the path above the soccer field.  Bear crawl inchworm back to the skate park which was occupied by a crepuscular skater dude. - Circle up for some Malpractice and Bogo led mary.

COT Announcements: - This Saturday, F3 Dads, 0900 at Bond Park - bring the kids it will be great! - Labor Day convergence at 0700 at Bond Park all other AO closed that day - 9/11 stair climb at 0515 at Gate 4 at Carter Finley, A-Team closed, Krytponite at 5:30 at regular (non-high-tempo) pace. - 10/7 - The Odyssey - where legends are born! 0600-1000 start and finish at Bond Park.  You can do it!  Please sign up in advance. - There are some new t-shirts or something you should order online.  Reportedly there are no cotton options available. - Give 2 Give campaign is for 1 more week!

Prayer Requests - Praise - Open Out got some great news from the Doc that the baby is doing great in the oven.  Due date is early February.

-At Refinery yesterday we read Ephesians 6:10-17 that speaks of pulling on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  6:16 - “… take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” What are the flaming arrows in your life?  How can we help you extinguish them?  I would encourage the PAX to have this conversation with one another this week.

NMS: It is apparently only 2 weeks till BRR! I appreciate the opportunity to lead these fine men this morning! We have really grown this summer! Get out of your regular spots and go meet some of the guys at the other AOs! Sooner is a beast! Crepuscular: Adjective - appearing or active in the twilight.

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