7s that didn't even count

I’m really disturbed by this Garmin outage. So apparently, Garmin has been the victim of a ransomware attack. My workout is not showing up on my Garmin Connect app, and isn’t on Strava either. So did it happen?

A bunch of dudes gathered round the flag at Mills Park school, known as AO Flying Circus. No FNGs, did the pledge and took off running. Disclaimer was given during the run. Arrived at the oppo side of the building and circled up for…

Warm Up

SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Seal claps, Good mornings, Hillbillies, Plank Jacks and CF merkins


Mosey down the street to a familiar stretch. Q called 7s - World’s Worst Merkins at the bottom, and Monkey Humpers at the top. Run to the top of the hill, but bear crawl back down. Once complete, Indigenous People’s run to the steps by the track.

Second set of 7s - Dying Cockroaches at the bottom of the steps, and Carolina Dry Docks at the top.

Once this is complete, a one lap Billy run around the track then back to the flag.


Various stuff called by the PAX, then Have a Nice Day

Some respects, one double respect, and a bunch of Mehs. Took praises and prayer requests, and YHC took us out.

Nekkid Moleskin

  • Apparently Entitlement asked for hills. We did hills and elevations but not always running. Be careful what you ask for.
  • Enjoy venturing into this part of the region to see some guys I rarely see.
  • Biner didn’t wear gloves.
  • Ma Bell didn’t wear a shirt.
  • The one lap Billy run was a last minute decision. It’s the closest YHC has come to causing his own spillage.
  • Be just a LITTLE better today than you were yesterday.

See also