7s and Victory Burpees is what we did … Pull-up and Cinder-Coupons were used.

AO: Tortoises

Date; 12/18/19

PAX: Ausfahrt, Bubba, Chanticleer, Doogie , Ezekiel, Freebird , Fridge, Hotty Toddy, Intimidator, Quiver, Rooney, Traffic Cone, WWW

 F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we go into the wild blue yonder around the pickle and back to the flag to warm-up with Ausfahrt. You heard right, Ausfahrt is out in the gloom and looking awesome. He is not using his cane. Excellent progress.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, shoulder stretch, calf stretch with CFM/Eskimo Merkins/diamond merkins x5.

 Mosey over to our typical hill for the thang.

 Thang 1: 7s - Plank Destroyer and ABC to G. Once the 6 is in, bonus burpees. Mosey to pull-up bars for thang 2.

 Thang 2: 7s - pull-ups and dips. Once the 6 is done, victory burpees. Mosey over to get our cinder-coupons for thang 3.

 Thang 3: People’s chair with modified wonder bra x10 IC. Staying PC and putting the coupons down, 10 count down the line. Rest to ease the tension in the quads. Repeato once again. Ok, so using cinder blocks to do wonder bra was not a good idea. Those things get heavy quick after doing so many 7s. But what do they about an exercise, if you can’t do it, don’t Q it.

 Slow mosey to put the coupons into YHC’s truck for future usage this week. I likes me some coupon work.

 Circle up for Mary. QIC calls 150. Close it out with PAX favorite Mary until time.

 COR: 13

NOR: a few Respects, mehs


Support Frey Daddy during the Oak Wood 24 … find more deets in Slack.

 Prayers / praises: there were lots of them. Prayers for those who are grieving for lost loved ones. Prayers for our Brothers on IR who are trying to heal and get back out into the gloom. Prayers for those who are traveling and for those who have family who are traveling.

 YHC took us out.


6th Man – Fridge … athlete who enjoys working out and he likes what F3 brings. He’s looking forward to the many workouts. He also liked the fellowship of F3.

 Q #58 of 52. It is always an honor to be in the gloom with you HIMs. I’m charged to continue to accelerate.

 Q #3 of 6 for Birthday / F3-versary week.

See also