7's and Laps

YHC’s second Q this week started with a solo EC Run on some poorly lit, no sidewalk-having roads.  It reminded me a bit of the BRR…..dark…quiet….not another soul in sight.  Wait, did I miss a turn?  I must admit, despite the warnings from others that there’s no good EC option at FMJ, I only saw two cars on this run, and they were easily avoided.  A brisk 4 miles and back in time to check out the new playground equipment, though we weren’t going to use it today….just food for thought and future Q’portunities.

Also, as I pulled into the lot this morning, 43’ish degrees, full moon, stars everywhere, there was quite a decent buck and doe meandering around.  He was an 8, or possibly even a very nice 6-point.  Also, a Coyote stopped by to trot around checking out the scenery, too!  Kinda tranquil.

5:30, time to go!  After the Pledge, we headed down the sidewalk to the distant parking lot and circled up.


  • 30 SSH
  • Who’s that jogging up in the dark at about SSH #23?  Ah, right….Joe Smith, soooo
  • 10 Penalty burpees OYO
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good mornings
  • Calf Stretch
  • 20 Merkins OYO
  • 10 Windmills

Thang #1:  Double 7’s

Mosey to the hill on the north side, famous for fire ants.  Not a big problem this morning

  • Squats up top
  • Worst Merkins Ever at the bottom
  • Mosey south to the other hill
  • Up and over to the far side for WWII’s
  • Burpees on the return
  • Plank Hold for the 6
  • 20 Merkins OMD
  • Mosey back to the first hill….psychological torture fr the pax, we aren’t doing another set of 7’s, though.  YHC has other plans….

Thang #2:

  • Keep the mosey going over to the track and partner up
    • YHC “missed” the usual Monday intervals on the track due to Odyssey DOMS, so….. let’s do some intervals
  • Partner up!
  • Partner 1 runs a 400yd interval
  • Partner two “cools down” for 50yds, then drops and begins doing LBC’s
    • AMRAP until your partner returns, then switcheroo
    • All pax complete three sets
  • Back to the flag
  • Brief Have a Nice Day and we’re out of time already?  Ah well.


  • Announcements
    • 11/17
      • Carpex Triple Down at Bond Park, watch Slack for deets
      • Holly Spring Half Marathon and 5k
      • Spartan Beast in Spartanburg, SC
    • F3 Dads is this weekend, pending weather - watch Slack
      • YHC’s 2.0 & 2.1 have the Q, needs a HIM to bring snacks, signup on the Q sheet
    • Haven House raffle drawing is tomorrow at Bond Bros 6:30pm.  Check Sack for Deets.
  • Prayers - None
  • Praises - None
  • YHC took us out after a brief reflective moment

I spent some 1:1 time with my 2.0 yesterday evening exercising and discussing exercise, why we do it, etc.  There was frustration, and perhaps a lapse in patience on my part.  Our kids are watching.  Always.  It’s more important to BE the example than to preach.  Spend some time with your kids and impart to them that we don’t do this because it’s easy.  Staying in bed is easy.  It’s warm.  It’s comfortable.  But it doesn’t build us.  It doesn’t make us stronger.  Sometimes we choose the path less traveled to become stronger, smarter, better than we were yesterday.  We need to show them that we have fun along the way.  Get out there and do something physically tiring with your kids and show them they can overcome those challenges, and most challenges placed before them.

See also