76° with 90% humidity

Three met at 4:45 (GTL/Denali/Largemouth) for a few EC lake laps and got the sweaty slogfest started.  With adequate time left for a shoe change #Denalisignaturemove, the rest of the PAX gathered.  5:15 a.m. on the clock so we mosey to the big parking lot.  

Warm up

15 Imperial Walkers

15 Side shuttle hops

5 Good mornings

15 standard merkins

15 Mountain Climbers

Next up is a favorite of YHC, the BLIMPS circuit.  It keeps a high-tempo feel and works most muscle groups.  Mumblechatter is key since the exercise counts are OYO, and this group is plenty entertaining this morning. 

The Thang

BLIMPS Circuit

- exercises at each corner of the parking lot

- When finished pick up the 6

- We start each lap together (.3 miles)

1st lap - 5 burpees x 4 corners

2nd lap - 10 lunges x 4 corners

3rd lap - 15 imperial walkers x 4 corners

4th lap - 20 merkins x 4 corners

5th lap - 25 plank jacks x 4 corners

6th lap - 30 sumo squats x 4 corners

The Hill

Set of 7s - Scorpion dry docks at the bottom, American hammers at the top


Back to the flag for a quick calf stretch

Count-a-rama - 13

Announcements - CSAUP “The Odyssey” October 5th, also the first F3 Carpex golf tournament will be in October

Prayers/Praises - Joe Smith’s 2.0 broke her leg, prayers for a quick recovery, another PAX has a grandparent in hospice so prayers for peace for her and the family

As always, a pleasure to lead you men - strong work this morning!

See also