738, 739, ...

11 men showed off their supreme skills to FIA by posting up in the parking lot next to these lovely ladies and then did approximately 1,000 burpees, give or take.  Red Ryder talked about his “buns” hurting a lot after this week’s Murph and his Iron-thingy, and also about that time I made him run a bunch of sprints on the field at BH, which happened to be closed today.

Since the field was closed, YHC made everyone run around the field while their partner worked on the aforementioned burpee count, which we made sure to make FIA aware of as they ran by us a couple of times. For some reason, they didn’t believe us.  YHC also made the men gleam the cube, i.e., a moving BTTW around the quarter pipe.

There was much rejoicing.