7/20/2017 Artsy Fartsy

16 PAX including a 2.0 - Bo Jackson working on his maiden 6 pack showed up for a YHC led workout.

The warm-up:

Jog to sea of booty (aka Copacabana Wave) new location and circle up for some warm up. Jog to sea of booty old location and warm up some more.  Jog to some other odd art sculpture near the rail road tracks (aka Excelerator) for some more warm up. Jog past some more art sculptures to another art sculpture/overgrown wind chime (aka “For the Children of Astrios and Eos I: Canticl”) at the corner of Academy and Chapel H*ll Rd.  Thanks to Callahan for reading out loud the name plates, however, I have since forgotten all of them.  Thanks to the google: http://caryvisualart.org/programs/outdoor-sculpture-exhibition/2016/works in case you are interested.

The Thang:

Part 1: Inflating BLIMPS up the parking deck, backwards running up inclines.  5 Burpees at first turn, 5 Burpees and 10 LBC’s at 2nd turn, 5 burpees & 10 LBCs & 15 Imperial Walkers at 3rd turn, continue adding Merkins, Plank Jacks and Star Jumps to finish at the top.

Part 2: run over to the hand rails for some Australian Pull Ups. Do some Dips, Irkins and Derkins on the brick walls and some bear crawls across the El Torro Zoysia lawn.

Run back to the bank circle (aka former Sea of Booty/Copacabana Wave) location and circle up so that Dice 2.0 Bo Jackson can lead us in some leg scissors (aka Hello Dolly) and Aspartame can lead us in some modified WWII’s that were actually more like a V-Up.

Run back to billy run start point for 3 heats of billy run to the flag.

COT: Callahan gave us a F3 testimonial, prayer requests, announcements and YHC took us out.

NMS: Yes, this BB is late.  But so are my TPS reports.

How do you cut off the “skip a line when you hit enter” feature in Wordpress?

Did you hear about the time Aspartame and Cheese met?  Good story.  How many of Bo Jackson’s classmates can say they did a Six Pack this summer?  How many can say they have ever seen 5:45 am?  Can we have Dice Q a parenting clinic? Hold the shift key while hitting enter!!! Yes, that works great! Thank you to the F3TheGear guys for getting me ready for my bike ride last Thursday it went great! The men of F3 continue to inspire and motivate me to improve!

See also