7 of Diamonds on the Diamond

It’s always nice to feel like your making a difference in your community. As I was doing a virtual scout on Annie L. Jones Park I did as I always do when preparing for a Q and I open up the Exicon to see what may lend itself to we’re to work it. As I was researching I was pleasantly surprised to see an exercise I had submitted to the Exicon a few months back was now officially received into the Exicon! The Coach! The only exercise in the Exicon that places an emphasis on the person in the supporting role of the Pax that is performing the exercise. This called for a celebration in my mind so I incorporated it into this Q.

Warm-up: Steve Earle, Burpo, Cotton Picker, Midget Squat, Dive Bombers, Good Morning.

Thang 1: Seven of Diamonds. This was a little too easy to call because I had used this one about a month ago but there was a baseball diamond and the last time I called this exercise we used a parking lot. I felt cheated last time because I hadn’t got to run the bases. So I called it here. Perform each of the following at every base pad: 7- Burpos, 14- Flutter Kicks, 21- Merkins, 28 - Jump Squats, 21 - J-Los, 14 - Crunchy Frogs, 7 - Dive Bombers

Thang 2: The Coach: I encourage you to look it up in the Exicon and read all about it.

Thang 3: Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge. This is found on YouTube. Play the song Bring Sally Up. Begin in the down squat position, every time they say “bring sally up” you rise up out of the squat and then immediately back down. Good times were had by all.


See also