7 of Diamonds

F3 Carpex is in a great spot. I don’t mean location. F3 Carpex is healthy and growing. In some ways it seems like our growth is limitless. I cannot begin to imagine how many AOs there will be five years from now. Many AOs, on a nice morning, will have well over 20 guys post. The energy is high, the mumble chatter is relentless. But I was reminded this morning of how a small group of men can be a refreshing change. 8 HIMs showed for BO. There was a connection today throughout the workout that included everyone. It’s hard to put into words. A connection that is just harder to establish in a large group.

With no FNGs we Pledged our Allegiance

Mosey on over to behind the Cary Arts Center for Warm up

Warm up - Steve Earle, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, In/Out, Good Morning

Mosey over to the public parking associated with the Cary Arts Center for Thang 1

Thang 1 - 7 of Diamonds - Round 1 - Perform 7 Burpees at each of the four corners of the diamond. Round 2 - 14 Flutter kicks. Round 3 - 21 Monkey Humpers. Round 4 - 28 Plank Jacks. Round 5 - Sumo Squats. Round 6 - Side Plank Star Crunch. Round 7 - Diver Bombers.

Made our way to the fountain for Dips, Dirkins, Left/Right Step ups, Dirkins and Dips

Back to the Flag for Mary

Mary- Australian In/Out, J-Lo, Homer to Marge, Crunchy Frog, Shakeria, Have a Nice Day.


NMS - Proud to be on the journey with all of you. Among those that I have, as many of you have also, built a particularly strong connection with is our brother Liverpool. The bravery and boldness which he has chosen to live out this past year of his life is a testament to his personal character, his faith in God and his willingness to share his story. Anniversaries are often anticipated and met with celebration in recognition of a happening in our past. Other times they are endured. As Keen and his family navigate this one year mark I personally am thankful for the example of unity, steadfast love and daily perseverance they have shown each other and this F3 community.

This a community of men who genuinely care about each other

See also