7 Minutes in Hell

Date: 7/29/2019

QIC: Snooze

Pax: Meatloaf, Sega, Ashbury, Snooze, Earhart, Monkey Nut, Headroom, Intimidator, Shipper, Puddles

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm-up: Mosey, GM’s, WM’s, Fazio Arm Circles

Thang 1:

Partnered up and had one partner run and do merkins while the other partner exercised with the dumbbell.

Thang 2:

Partner one would sprint 100 ft while partner two recovered. Then they would switch.

Thang 3:

7 minutes of plank. At the top of each minute ten merkins were preformed. This was the 7 minutes in hell.

Thang 4:

Partner one would run to the dumpsters while partner two would do some kettlebell exercise.

Thang 5:

Mary: We went in a circle and each HIM had one minute to Q the pax in some kettlebell exercise.

Announcements: Moving Hells Bells to Soverign Grace Church in a couple weeks.

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Intimidator’s nephew who is serving overseas.