7 is the number

9 HIMs converged at Downtown Cary flag poles near the Cary PD looking for some good fellowship beatdown. The bell tolled 18:00 hrs. No FNGs. We cited the mission, 5 core principles, and credo. We pledged our allegiance to Old Glory and off we went in the direction of the parking deck. Runner hit the stairs to the top and mosey down to level 1. Walkers walk to lower deck (no stairs).

We got those muscles warmed and stretched.

YHC give the directions to the PAX.

Thang: The number is 7. Do the below exercise at each turn all the way to the top of the parking deck ending at the East stairwell. Repeato going back down doing round 2 exercises. Repeato again doing round 3 exercises.

Round 1: Burpees and Boxcutters

Round 2: Anvils and Heels to Heaven

Round 3: Two palm squats and monkey humpers

We circled up by the East stairwell to close out the workout with time leftover to do 100s.

COR: 9

NOR: Respects and mehs

Announcements: Duck Donut Dash

Prayers and praises: spoken and unspoken

COT: YHC led us out


These men humble me. I am blessed to be in the gloom with them and to have them in my life.

Beerteria at Triangle Beer Co. afterwards.

See also