7 for 7s

A select group of 7 showed up at Sovereign Grace Church early Monday morning at a site so new that it still doesn’t have a tag on the F3 Carpex web site yet. The location close to home and the allure of a high tempo workout was enough to inspire YHC to take the lead in order to continue building momentum for this new AO. Here’s what we did…


Progressive warm-up starting at SGC to the bottom of Hinton Street, stopping along the way for:

  • 15 SSH, IC
  • 15 IW, IC
  • 10 WM, IC

Thang 1 - Triple 7s

  • Run to top of Hinton Street hill - 7 HR Merkins
  • Run back to bottom of hill - 7 jump squats
  • Run to top of Saunders Stree hill - 7 Dying cockroaches
  • Run back to bottom of hill - 7 jump squats
  • Repeato until time is called

Thang 2

  • Mosey to bottom of Chatham Street hill
  • 20 frog jumps
  • Hard run up Chatham Street hill to Salem Street
  • 10 Chilcutt PPs

Thang 3

  • Mosey to bottom of Moore Street / Cemetery hill
  • Hard run back up to Salem Street
  • Return to bottom of Moore Street
  • Backwards run up the hill to second street light
  • Mosey back to flag

No time for Mary so circle up for COT


  • Soul Train - Late March 30 (?) - See Yogi for details. More info supposed to be coming to Slack soon
  • The Mule - March 9th 0600 at the NC Museum of Art - See Mule Twitter account for more details


  • Praises for a successful community event this past weekend with Hotspot and his 2.0 at Friendship High School

Thank you to Sourmash for taking us out!

See also