62 degrees with a 100% chance of rain

Its not often that a January 24th morning becomes a Tank Top Thursday. With a mixture of high temps, driving wind and non-stop rain,12 warriors departed the shovel flag, forming three 4-man indian run groups.

Warm up - circle up at Thales parking lot

15 Side shuttle hops

15 Imperial Walkers

7 Good mornings

15 standard merkins

15 Mountain Climbers

10 Burpees OYO

Back to the indian run groups, head to the pond in the Villages of Apex

Thang 1

There is a great well-lit 1/3 mile track around the pond where we arrive

  • Partner 1 ran clockwise and Partner 2 ran counter-clockwise around the pond
  • When PAX met up they did 10 partner merkins
  • When finished they ran back to the start and did 10 Burpees OYO - then planked it out
  • Repeat, and meet up for hand-release merkins this time
  • Next meet up for scorpion dry-dock

Finish up those last burpees and back to the indian run groups, head to the turf field

Thang 2

  • Running the perimeter around 1/4 mile soccer field, the PAX stopped to do exercises at each corner
  • When finished each lap, pick up the six
  • We start each lap together
  • 1st lap - 10 sumo squats x 4 corners 
  • 2nd lap - Plank jacks x 4 corners
  • had planned a 3rd lap, but no time…line up in the street


15 American hammers

15 Box cutters

15 Merkins

15 Peter Parker Merkins 


12 PAX

Announcements include Krispy Kreme, Tobacco Road half, class with Sosa

Prayers/praises include Old Maid’s friend at church, Wonderbread’s dad, and praises for Water Wings 2.0

Enjoyed covering some miles with these guys today, we kept it high-tempo and everyone worked hard - such a solid group of HIMs.

See also