6 Years of F3: Motivation to Pick Up the 6 at Whiplash

6 pax for 3.5 mile EC run (Banana Seat, Banjo, Manram, Michelob, Midget for Life, Slater, Wonderbread) + 2 for EC to bridge and pull-ups (Chanticleer and Soul Glo)

M.E., PUT6 with 19 pax for 13 stops over 5.5 miles (Strava Flyby)

  1. Warmup SSH, burpees, Imperial Walker, Good AM: After a ton of SSH, everyone was thankful for Regal Beagle arriving late, 10 penalty burpees at stop #1.
  2. Plank, pigeon, Windmill,
  3. Pigeon stretch
  4. Plank, Squats
  5. 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans left, 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans right
  6. 10 burpees, 2x # 5 above.
  7. 10 burpees, 20 monkey humpers
  8. # 6 above
  9. # 5 above
  10. # 6 above
  11. Plank jacks
  12. Mary
  13. Return to the virtual flag.

Mary led by Burt, part of the “Co-coup”

Prayers for Forceps and his family with the passing of his 21 year old son this past week.

2 South Wakers 10 Raleighers 7 Carpexers

Thank you to Wonk and CK for the F3 introduction 6 years ago, its been a complete game changer. From those early Merlot days [months] and the #HIM that picked up this 6, things have not really changed that much. “Picking up the 6” and “Leaving no man behind” is still a thing. And though we may have swapped positions, the #HIM we surround ourselves with each am continue to make a difference; in our lives, our families, and communities. And for that, I am thankful.

4 for coffeeteria; Flip Flop, Manram, Michelob and YHC

  • Banana Seat – was smoking with those double leggings. Bruh?
  • Burt – Thanks for the reminder about that Kentucky win over Va Tech. You were rocking that 80’s retro UK gear.
  • Chanticler, hate you are injured, but I’ve enjoyed this new Chanticler fellowship pace
  • Curves, left early so M could open the Raleigh BURN unit.
  • Flip Flop, this BB would have been much better with him at the keyboard, just take my word.
  • Frey Daddy, not sure I heard a word from our site Q
  • Honey Do, as Burt promised, limited run. Me believes Burt will have some credibility issues
  • Man Hands, sneaky bastard, quiet and imposing, almost pushing the pax, from a back seat to Slater
  • Manram, enough about those aches and pains. Work it out and keep gettin’ after it.
  • Michelob, ….crickets
  • Midget for Life, expecting those fancy Ranger panties and instead got quiet and reserved. Whassup?
  • My Pleasure, lots of MC about YHC’s lack PUT6 etiquette. Got pissed and left or Q’d Ambassador?
  • Pluffy Mud, this Savannah transplant gettin’ after it one month into his F3 membership.
  • Regal Beagle, you are an inspiration to us all
  • Slater, my Smokey Mountain Relay partner was crushing it. This man has #DES on his mind.
  • Shut In, Nan’tan making the rounds, thanks for the support.
  • Soul Glo, expected my SMR partner to take off, but hung with the pax. #HIM
  • Wonderbread, I see Ultra trail run in your future.

See also