53 and Counting

Since Angry Elf and I ceded our actual birthday Q to young Cap’n Hook, YHC grabbed the day after - the first full day at 53 years of age, and first full day at 43 for Angry Elf. Hello Kitty put out the word there would be an EC so I rolled in at 5:11. Upon seeing Largemouth and Chanticleer standing there, I almost kept driving. Luckily, Kitty was of the mindset and we took a nice 2-miler to warmup for what would become a tough morning.

5:45 rolled around and 10 of the finest HIM lined up for a cadence jog around the pickle singing an F3 jodie that a PAX in Hampton Roads wrote. I would include it here, but I left it in my truck and am too lazy to go get it.


  • 53 Merkins OMD (what else?)
  • 10 Air Squats IC
  • 7 sloooooowwww GMs IC
  • 25 SSH IC

The Thang 1

Jog down into the bowels of North Cary Park past the amphitheater stage looking thing and to the near end of the original “bear crawl bridge” for what I’ll call The Ascension

  • 1st Stage: 10 Burpees + 20 Merkins + Bear Crawl the bridge + run to the base of the hill that leads up to Cary Pkwy and back to the far side of the bridge. Squat it out and wait for instructions.
  • 2nd Stage: 10 Burpees + 40 Air Squats + Bear Crawl the bridge + run to the amphitheater stage looking thing and back to the near side of the bridge
  • 3rd Stage: 10 burpees + 60 Dying Cockroaches + Lunge Walk the bridge + run to the base of the hill and back
  • 4th Stage: 10 burpees + 80 Carolina Drydocks (crowd favorite) + Lunge Walk the bridge + run to the amphitheater stage looking thing and back
  • 5th Stage: 10 burpees + 100 O/H Claps + Crab Walk the bridge + run to the base of the hill and stay there

The Thang 2

AYG up to the top of the hill and mosey back to the bottom. 75% up to the top, drop to your six for 20 LBCs IC. Jog back down Cary Pkwy to Norwell and back around to the shovel flag for:


  • 25 x Flutter Kicks IC
  • 10 x O-Face (each direction)
  • 20 x Hello Dollys IC

That’s it!


Count-a-rama: 10 of the finest HIM in all of CarPEX Nation

Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 7 Mehs

Announcements: Crazy Train June 9th

Prayers: William Green; Our brothers who are rucking tonight; others that I probably missed

BOM: Sputnik kindly and expertly took us out



  • The night before, I got a happy birthday wish on FB from none other than Sputnik’s M, to which YHC responded: “Thank you. Tell Sputnik to come to Danger Zone tomorrow morning.” He did. True story.
  • I would include the bad-ass words to the jodie here, but I left it in my truck and am too lazy to go get it. See me sometime and I’ll show you.
  • You want to get the attention of the PAX real quick? Call 80 Carolina Drydocks in the middle of the workout
  • Sputnik is still the best bear crawler in all the land. That wrist of his that Chanticleer broke is healed up real goodly
  • It was an honor to lead these men. Great group today willing to put in the work!

See also