52 Qs done ... BLIMPS Ladder taboot

Date: 11/26/19

I have reached a personal goal I set at the start of the year. I wanted to Q an average of 1 per week. I still have 4 weeks left and I planned to Q a 7-pack in week 50. When you focus on your goal, you can achieve anything.

What is exciting about Q’ing a workout is developing a routine that will challenge the PAX. I had fun building the routine. I can honestly say, the F3 Exicon is filled with some great stuff to use. All you need to do is read and try them out. I have found some great ones which have become my favorites because of how crushing they are. They beat you down as you increase in reps.

No FNGs, I tested the PAX on the Mission Statement, 5 Core Values and the F3 Credo. Light mosey around the parking lot to the tennis courts where we circled up to warm-up.

Warm-ups: GM, Sir Fazio forward, overhead claps, Sir Fazio backwards, shoulder stretch, plank position for calf stretch with Eskimo merkins x5 between stretches, and lastly, plank jacks and mountain climbers. Now for the thang.

Thang: BLIMPS Ladder

When doing the exercises and to break up each round, QIC designated a lightpole to mosey to.

Burpees (10 to 5) - run to designated light pole, 10 burpees, round robin back to light pole for  9, repeato until you reach 5.

LBC (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)

Imperial Walker (25, 20, 15, 10, 55)

Monkey Humpers (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)

Plank Destroyer (Catalina wine maker, shoulder taps, plank jack) (10, 8, 6)

San Antonio Shuffle (left/right lunge, burpee) (10, 8, 6)

Mosey back to flag for Mary around the circle PAX choice 10 reps per exercise. We got three done before have a nice day (Eskimo Merkins, American Hammers, and Scorpion Homer to Marge).

COR: 8

NOR: Respects (4), Mehs (3), 2.0 (1)

Announcements: Thanksgiving Convergence at BO in DTC, start 0700 hrs. Reach out to those HIMs you have not seen in some time to check on them. They will appreciate it.

Prayers / Praises: Prayers for the family of Intimidator’s friend who recently passed away, prayers for the military members who are deploying during the holidays, prayers for the 1st responders who are working during the holidays, prayers for those on the IR to get back out in the gloom.


Set a goal, evaluate and plan how you will get there, and execute accordingly. The accomplishment of it all is invigorating. Once you complete the goal, make another.

It is a blessing to be out in the gloom working out and/or leading the workout. It is a blessing to be able to do that.

See also