50 Challenge Vanilla ... NOT!!!

PAX: Ashbury (hate), Captain Jack, Chipper, EarharT, FNG Fedora (hate), Honeycomb, Joe Smith, Kermit (Hate), Kitty Litter, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley (hate), Sega (hate), Smokey, Staubach, Term Paper, Titanic, Whirlie, WWW

My original Q slot was supposed to be last week because Blue Water was not going to get back from his trip until later that day, so he needed someone to step in and Q.  I thought I was the first to respond but Riptide was quick on the draw and beat me to the punch.  I still wanted to Q so we made a deal that he take last week and I fill-in for him this week.  I also supported Riptide’s Q and man he can create a workout.  Matter-of-fact, we played with a few jugs and they were hefty.

I came up with the 50 challenge to use at Field of Dreams.  It was challenging, alright!!!  I did not want to rinse and repeat what I used at FOD; except for some classic ones.  So, I developed another 50 challenge and boy-o-boy, it did meet the challenge.  You will need to read on to understand how challenging it was.

3 mins to start, made the obligatory announcement for any FNGs.  We had one.  I did the F3 admintrative announcements and then we Pleadged our Allegiance to Old GLory / shovel flag.  Off we went for a mosey around the pickle.  Circle up for some warm-up.  QIC disclaimered to the PAX to remember the pickle because it was going to be an importance piece to the challenge.

Warm-ups: GM, Abe Vogodas, Calf stretches with CFM x5 inbetween, Sir Fazio Forward, seal claps, SF reverse.

Mosey to the playground to begin our Thang:  50 challenge.  Here is the 50 Challenge:

Thang 1:

Burpees (Chumbaburpees x27).  The PAX was spent so QIC audibled to the PAX to run the pickle and then get knockout the remaining 23 … common core math was had. (Classic)

Run the pickle

Pull-ups (any variation)

Run the pickle

Big Boy Sit-up (classic)

Catalina Wine Makers

Run the pickle

Steve Earl

Run the pickle

The thang was challenging enough that the challenge took most of the workout with 5 mins left for Mary.  QIC had the PAX circle up for PAX favorite Mary x10 count.  Since we did not do enough burpees, Ashbury calls 10 burpees (great job young man).

Count-a-rama: 18

Name-a-rama: 3 respects, 10 mehs, 5 hates to include our FNG.  Welcome FNG Fedora!  The EH was strong on you, young padawan.

BOM:  YHC led us out

Announcements:  TCP Saw Grass this Sunday … we always need volunteers, clown car opportunity tomorrow to got to the Crick for F3 Art Vandelay’s Cancer-versary (see Slack #cot-announcements for deets).

Prayers/praises:  Praises FNG Fedora birth of their 3rd 2.0 and first daughter, prayers for all our F3 Brothers who are recovering from surgury or any ailments they may have, praises for F3 Art Vandelay for his continued strength to battle cancer.


FNG Fedora was EH’d by Worley, Titanic, Mufasa, & Kitty Litter.  I think he felt so guilty that he could not resist any more emotional head locking.  Great to see you out in the gloom Fedora.

After hearing all the things that are going on in this world, I am absolutely blessed to be able to get out in the gloom with such awesome HIMs.  YOU ALL ROCKED IT TODAY!!!  I continue my qeekly Q quest.

Joe Smith did not disappoint … 2F coffee was supplied by Joe Smith.  That was some good coffee.

Thank you HIMs for letting me lead you this AM.  It is always an honor!

See also