50 Challenge Accepted and Conquered

Date: 4/9/2019


PAX: Beaker, Bogo, Ezekiel, Franklin, Hi-Liter, One Direction, One Four, Pigeon, Sky Blue, Sub, WWW

I was a little skeptic about the weather but it was not going deter me from showing up.  F3 motto - no matter what the weather condition, get out there (rain, sleet, snow, shine, cold, hot) … it is a great day to workout at O dark thirty also known as the GLOOM.  Anyway, the gauntlet was dropped when Disco Duck sent a Slack message on the 1st F channel last night at 22:01 hrs to all the Qs who was signed up. Challenge accepted … we all kept our HC.

I started my prep last night because I wanted to make it challenging every time I Q.  My quest continues to Q once a week and try to hit all the AO in CarPex.  I still have work to do but it is going well and I’m blessed to still make it out.

What I wanted to do at first did not go as planned because as I arrived at 0520 hrs to get set-up, Station 1 was hung up and then I started to make my way to Station 2 around the baseball field quadrant.  Unbeknownst to me, the greenway is closed and fenced off.  I later found out that it has been closed for quite some time now.  Plan B.  Read on to see how I modified the workout.

As the PAX showed up, it was some good meet and greet.  The nice thing about hitting all the AOs, you get to meet new HIM.  It was my first time meeting One Direction which I found out his first concert was not Backstreet Boys, it was Miley Cyrus.  He was happy with his name because it would have been worst.

Time to start 0530 hrs.

F3 admin stuff and Pledge of Allegiance.  Mosey around the pickle and circle up for warm-ups.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch (l//r/ctr), calf stretch (l/r/ctr) with CFMs inbetween.  On to the thang.

Since I had to modify, he is how it went.  I did make some weinkies but it had style because I added the CarPex logo to it and I had each in document protector to minimize getting wet from the moisture.

Thang 1:

50 challenge

50 burpees

run the big pickle

50 Merkins

run the big pickle

50 big boy sit-ups

run the big pickle

50 mountain climbers (l/r = 1)

run the big pickle

50 sumo squats (4 count)

run the big pickle

As for me, I bruised the run.  Trying to save my left knee.  It does not have much mileage left so I am protecting it as much as I can or its knee surgery for me.  No worries, it will not deter me from doing what I enjoy, leading a great bunch of HIMs.

Thang 2

Partner up (size does not matter)

Wheelbarrow to first median

5 bropees

Switch, wheel barrow to next median

5 bropees

Head back to the flag, lunge walk to first median, 5 bropees.  Lunge walk to next median 5 bropees.

Circle up for Mary

PAX favorite exercise (10 count)

Count-a-rama: 11 HIMs

Name-a-rama: 2 respects, 8 mehs, 1 hate, 0 FNGs

Announcements: TCP Sawgrass this Sunday.  Need volunteers to help.  F2 at BB afterwards in DTC.

Prayers/Praises:  Hermes & Silverback on their recovery after surgery.  Ausfarht and Sooey on their recovery.  All the Brothers out there who have battling pain and injury to receive the healing toiunch by Sky Q.

BOM:  YHC led us out.


Hi-Liter continues to be my idol.  He is always in beast-mode.

Sky Q answered my prayerfor a wonderful morning with good weather … it was, 64 degrees with a slight mist which helped to cool down as we worked it.  It was still moist though but all is blessed.

It is always a pleasure to lead you HIMs.  You all ROCKED it OUT!!!

50 Challenge in the books!

See also