5 PAX 2 Vests...

More firsts at Rush Hour for YHC. First, this was my first Rush Hour Q. Second, this was my second Q in the same say. Third, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest through part of the workout. Lastly, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest while Qing the workout. #acceleration

I was not the only one wearing a vest. There were two vests, thanks to Theismann, that rotated through the Pax throughout the 94 degree beatdown. Some did ECPs, some did not. With a total Pax of 5 and no FNGs the disclaimer was spoken and we were off into the gloom on this hot summer afternoon!

Vests started on Theismann and Kermit.

Warm Up

Mosey to the grassy hill next to the parking deck where we did the following:
Imperial Walkers ICx20
Good Afternoon ICx15
Various Leg stretching 10 counts for each

Thang One

Mosey to the northeast corner of the Ambassador Loop. We did 4 corners together in a counterclockwise rotation.
Corner 1 - 10 Diamond Merkins
Corner 2 - 10 Supermans
Corner 3 - 10 Turkish Getups
Corner 4 - 10 V-Ups
4 rounds total

The vests moved to One Four and YHC after round 3.

Thang Two

Mosey over to the hill on the west side of the parking deck. At the bottom we crab walked to the midway point and then duck walked to the top. We then did 34 OYO Birthday Squats.

Thang Three

Mosey over near the start for the following: (YHC ditched the vest at this point)
Australian Pull-Ups 10 OYO
Derkins 10 OYO
Earkins 10 OYO
Dips 10 OYO


Circled Up in the grass by the fountain for:
Homer to Marge ICx20
Pamela Anderson’s ICx20
Crunchy Frog ICx20


There were very few announcements. Check my BB from FWD earlier.

After kicking off our shoes and socks YHC took us out in the fountain thanking the Sky Q for this day, health, general healing, and for guidance and leadership to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, co-workers, etc.

YHC’s final Q of the week is Thursday down in South Wake at Disney for the competition of a 2nd straight 5 pack. Thank you for the push and motivation men!


Turkish Getups, my near favorite exercise, are whole other ballgame with a 20lb vest on!
While doing our 4 Corners, we nearly EH’d what was probably about a 4 year old named Miller. Skipper showed him how to do a V-Up.
Did you know it says “CARY” in the grass at Rush Hour? From the side it just looks like a bunch of weeds.

See also