5 Showed up this morning for the Dazed and Confused Soft Launch

Disclaimer, No FNG’s

Mosey over to the side entrance of school for warm ups

  • Good mornings
  • SirFazio Arm Circles
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Calf Stretch
  • Imperial Walkers

Indian Run around front of school over through stadium entrance/ down the stairs then back around to the parking deck

The main event: Bear Crawl Dora with partner

  • Partner 1 does bear crawl to one end of parking lot and mosey back
  • Partner 2 works on the (100 Burpees, 200 LBC, 300 squats)

After that we took the parking deck stairs down th the lower level

  • Round of balls to the wall
  • Round of Peoples Chair



See also